Southern California Edison performs upgrades to the area of Shirk, between Goshen Ave and Doe Ave

Residents in the area of Shirk Street, between Goshen Ave and Doe Ave, will experience traffic impacts starting Monday, December 18, as Southern California Edison performs upgrades to their existing underground electrical utilities during the VUSD Winter Break.

“Southern California Edison is scheduled to start the jack and bore phase of their electrical utility upgrades that run under the railroad tracks at Goshen Ave,” provides Gary Mello, Construction Manager, Southern California Edison. “Work hours will be from 9am to 3pm for the first phase of construction which is expected to take approximately one month, ground conditions permitting.”

Southern California Edison’s work will include excavating the bore and receiving pits, boring the pipe under the railroad tracks, utilizing excavation pits in the southbound lanes of Shirk Street on both sides of the Goshen intersection, and installing k-rail and temporary fencing to secure the two excavation sites.

The planned work will not require the use of traffic detours. Instead, motorists will experience lane or shoulder restrictions as traffic is shifted around the work zone. Throughout the construction period, residents and emergency services will have access on Shirk.

Although traffic signal operations will be configured to manage traffic throughout the area, the traveling public is advised to seek alternate routes and avoid the area due to expected delays. Fortunately, this first phase is being performed while VUSD is on break to minimize the impacts to the public. The second phase will extend the pipeline installed in Phase I from the north side of the tracks along the westerly side of Shirk Road to Doe Avenue. High voltage cabling will then be installed within the new pipeline.  Notice will be provided prior to the start of the second phase.

“We recommend seeking an alternate route during the scheduled work,” added Mello. “We urge motorists to use caution when driving through the construction zone if they are unable to avoid the work area.”

For additional information or questions, contact Gary Mello, Construction Manager, Southern California Edison, at (559) 240-7483 or

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