Tulare is Copenhagen

  Tulare City Councilman Greg Nunley should be positively crimson with shame after suing the city for $16.5 million. But he’s not. This is a breach of Nunley’s fiduciary duty not to Tulare itself, but to its taxpaying residents–especially those in the area he represents, District 5. What’s particularly galling is that this suit represents […]

Let’s Call the Whole Thing Off

So Trump asks Russia to find and hack Hillary Clinton’s emails–and Russia does so. Russian operatives offer “dirt” on Hillary Clinton at a June 2016 Trump Tower meeting–and Donald Trump Jr. “loves it.” The president’s first national security advisor, General Mike Flynn, is convicted of lying to congress about his contacts with Russian oligarchs and […]

Not in the Manual

Typically, when you’re in your teenage years and you endure your first break-up–especially if you’re the one who’s been jettisoned–it’s injurious to your entire being. It’s sufficient, and still real enough, to make you overuse variations of the word “you” just remembering it years later. A first break-up, especially for the eighty-sixed, is systemically catastrophic […]

Persistence Wins the Day

The legality of Tulare’s City Council extending a $9 million line of credit to Tulare Regional Medical Center in a 2-0 vote may–or may not ever–be adjudicated. I’m not sure it matters anymore. Last week the hospital drew $4,861,885 on its line and is looking, this week, to take on a further $1,138,115. It is […]

A Slow-mo lobotomy

Sometimes, things come together. Sometimes the stars align serendipitously, and sometimes the alignment is by process. For the past 11 years we have been awash in serendipity. True, we’ve lost a son–and people can’t be replaced–but everything else we’ve lost has, spookily, been restored. Quickly, and without effort. When the house we were in before […]

Say Hello to Alice

It seems our esteemed leader might be poised to declare a national emergency along our southern border because it lacks a continuous wall. But that’s not where the crisis looms. Our national emergency is within the Oval Office. The president, undeniably, owns our current government shutdown, the longest in our nation’s history. “…I will take […]