No Flaneuring

About this time two years ago we were in Azerbaijan with our old college friend Alison. While this is remarkable in its own right–hell, the very idea of a vacation is remarkable right now–what sticks out in my mind is an epic walk Alison and I took one day. She wanted to revisit some of […]

Only a vaccine will stop the coronavirus

“For those who wanted a world without vaccines…here’s the world without ONE vaccine.” Author unknown It’s my very strong opinion this crisis will not end until a safe and effective vaccine is developed—Israel may be the first country to have a vaccine (within the next 90 days?), but can they rapidly produce it in the […]

Apocalypse No

Our youngest son called me last week to let us know, he said, that he is alright. “Of course,” I said. “I know you are.” He was not grasping the epidemiological aspects of the new coronavirus pandemic. “Listen,” I said. “You and I can probably drink a glass of this stuff and, according to the […]

Am I Hearing This Right?

I don’t have an editor or owner hanging overhead. I wear both hats; so this column I write twice monthly is mine alone–successful or otherwise. Sometimes, I’m stumped. No idea what to write about. Mostly I just cock an ear toward the Universe and listen. To be honest, that’s what I’ve always done. And I […]

Baseball, Gamesmanship and Treason

Major League Baseball’s most egregious off-season kerfuffle has involved the alleged “stealing” of signs. I have news for those who think this actually is scandalous: it’s why they’re called signs–nobody is going to blurt out their intentions beforehand; and they’re not stolen, they’re deciphered. Interpreted. This cat-and-mouse game-within-a-game has been going on in many sports […]