Public asks two Tulare Cemetery District board members to resign

Turmoil has yet again gripped the Tulare Public Cemetery District’s Board of Trustees. Members of Caring Cause, a citizens’ group dissatisfied with the district’s leadership and maintenance of its cemeteries, and other members of the public created a standing room only crowd at the district’s February 21 meeting. The crowd wanted trustees Vicki Gilson and […]

Tulare hospital to reopen its Mineral King Lab

Tulare Local Healthcare District will reopen its forensic laboratory Monday. Mineral King Lab was closed on Oct. 28, 2017 by Healthcare Conglomerate Associates, the district’s former management partner. While the district’s board voted in October to voluntarily suspend its acute care license — which covers the operation of the Tulare Regional Medical Center — the […]

Doctor to pursue whistleblower suit against Tulare hospital

A Visalia doctor is attempting to pursue a lawsuit against the Tulare Local Healthcare District (TLHCD) after she claims she was retaliated against for speaking with investigators from the California Department of Public Health (CDPH). Dr. Rebecca Zulim claims that she was forced to take a “voluntary leave” from the district’s hospital, the Tulare Regional […]

Tulare hospital votes to remove Mathis’ name from recommendation

The Tulare Local Healthcare District had a special meeting January 31 to discuss, among other business, a “Recommendation to authorize Assembly Member Devon Mathis and State Senator Jean Fuller to represent the District before government agencies on behalf of the District.” The recommendation came after the JLAC “unanimously approved a request by Senator Jean Fuller […]

More turmoil at Tulare Public Cemetery

Rest in Peace is more of a suggestion than reality at the Tulare Public Cemetery District. After a first round of board resignations and longtime employee departures in September of 2017, a second round of resignations has hit the district. Two newly appointed trustees have resigned, employees have been fired, and one more case of […]

JLAC approves audit of Tulare Regional Medical Center

Today, the Joint Legislative Audit Committee (JLAC) unanimously approved a request by Senator Jean Fuller (R-Bakersfield) to audit the Healthcare Conglomerate Associates, Tulare Regional Medical Center, and the Tulare Local Health Care District. “This audit is necessary to ensure local bonds intended to support a community hospital were used appropriately, efficiently and effectively,” said Senator […]