State Officials Poised For Prison Overcrowding Ruling

Lawyers for Gov. Jerry Brown scored a rare legal victory, albeit a small one, in the state’s long-running battle with federal judges over prison overcrowding when a panel of three federal judges agreed to a brief postponement of a looming Dec. 31 deadline for the state. The panel issued a wide-ranging order calling for state officials and inmate attorneys to meet and seek a long […]

Trauma Conference Set for November 7

The Tulare County Child Abuse Prevention Council (CAPC) is sponsoring the 8th Annual Cynthia Lockhart Mummery Conference on Thursday, November 7, at the Visalia Holiday Inn. The conference, “Shattered – From Tragedy to Triumph, Creating Trauma-Informed Communities” will feature Dr. Lisa Conradi from Rady Childrens’ Hospital, San Diego, and Sharon and Mia Behrens, formally from […]