Construction Begins on New TCOE Administration, Planetarium Buildings

Separate groundbreaking ceremonies were held on September 10 for two new Tulare County Office of Education buildings: an administration building/conference center and a new planetarium. The new three-story administration building, at 6200 S. Mooney Blvd. in Visalia, will include 66,000 square feet of office space. Its offices will serve the Tulare County superintendent of schools […]

Multiple Agencies Work to Eradicate Marijuana on Tule River Reservation

Wildlife officers from the California Department of Fish and Wildlife, the California National Guard – Counterdrug Task Force, Tule River Tribal member organizations and a multitude of other agencies successfully conducted a five-day operation to eradicate marijuana from tribal lands last week. In addition to creating a public safety threat, the growers were poaching wildlife, […]

Science-Infused Curriculum Reaches over 6,500 Valley Students

This summer, the Migrant Education Program oversaw instructional services at 42 Tulare and Kings County school districts – the largest number coordinated by the program in recent years. Over 6,500 migrant education students (pre-K to age 22) were served by highly qualified teachers on school sites and at home. The focus of summer programs was […]