Introducing the New Paramedic Program at College of the Sequoias Application Opens March 1 – April 17

College of the Sequoias is proud to announce the launch of its highly anticipated Paramedic Program, designed to meet the growing demand for skilled emergency medical professionals in our community. Applications for this rigorous and comprehensive program are now open, starting from March 1st to April 17th. With a steadfast commitment to excellence in education […]

Mudslinging and dirty politics – including accusations of racial bias – descend on South Valley’s politics

This article has been updated to reflect comments made at the Tulare County Board of Supervisors’ meeting on Tuesday, February 27. No one can escape the negative campaign detritus landing in our mailboxes, being sent to our cell phones, floating through social media, and arriving through the radio waves. And it’s getting ugly. Through insinuation […]

Prop 1: More questions than answers

Californians who received their voter guide for the statewide presidential primary on March 5 were probably stunned, first by its 112 pages densely packed with information, then by the fact that 64 pages were devoted to one measure – Proposition 1. Want more confusion? This is the title: “Authorizes $6.38 billion in bonds to build […]

National History Day – Tulare County next week

The annual National History Day – Tulare County event will be held Thursday, February 8 from 8:45 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. at the Tulare County Office of Education Administration Building, 6200 South Mooney Boulevard in Visalia. This year, 215 elementary, middle, and high school students from 15 Tulare County schools will present over 100 projects […]

Poetry Live! competition February 2

February 2, 6:00 p.m., Arts Consortium, 340 E. Oak Ave., Suite 112, Visalia On Friday, February 2, the Tulare County Poetry Live! competition will be held in downtown Visalia at the Arts Consortium at 340 East Oak Avenue. The public is invited to enjoy live poetry recited by the top students in the county. Poetry […]