Tulare County Officials Advise Residents Near Kings River to be on Alert

The County of Tulare is experiencing increased flows in the Kings River.  As the Sierra Nevada snowpack continues to melt, additional water is being released from Pine Flat dam causing minor flooding at lower elevations along the Kings River in Tulare County. Additional water releases have been announced for overnight on Thursday, June 22, 2017 […]

Five Candidates Meet to Discuss Unseating Nunes

On  June 16,  Tulare County-based Progressives United for Social Justice and Human Rights (PUSH) hosted a Candidate Forum featuring several local Democratic candidates who are vying for Congressman Devin Nunes’ seat in the House of Representatives. The event was held from 7-9pm at the Grange Meetinghouse in Visalia. Candidates speaking at the forum included Tulare City Councilman […]

K-9s: A Large Part of Local Law Enforcement

There may be nothing more ideal than going to work every day and loving your job. For Keavy, she has just that–her job being in narcotics enforcement with the Farmersville Police Department. For her partner, Officer Ashley Hettick, it is almost as enjoyable. Keavy is a Springer Spaniel–together with Officer Hettick, they make up one […]

Andrew Janz to Challenge Nunes in ‘18

Congressman Devin Nunes (R-22) may be in some seriously hot water, and the embattled, beleaguered lawmaker is facing what could be his first serious challenger during the 2018 election cycle. Russian Investigation Nunes, chair of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, has been in the national political spotlight since late March, when he visited […]

Lack of Maintenance of County Culverts Leaves Kaweah Residents Stranded

Patty Miller and Jim Hewett, her grounds keeper, her dogs and livestock found themselves stranded because of Tulare County culverts that had not been maintained. During the mid-January storms, water that was supposed to run down the culverts instead flowed unimpeded down Miller’s driveway and private road causing significant property damage which caused the road […]