College of the Sequoias Offers NEW Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC) Class

The COS Training Resource Center is proud to announce the new launch of the Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC) Class taught by industrial automation instructor, Travis Asher! This class is open to anyone in the community and for companies/businesses interested in sending their manufacturing or PLC technicians for training on troubleshooting PLC systems. This class is […]

Sequoia Parks Conservancy Invites You to A Star Party under the Milky Way at The Ninth Annual Dark Sky Festival

 Sequoia Parks Conservancy, in partnership with the National Park Service, is excited to announce the schedule of events for the ninth annual Dark Sky Festival taking place Saturday, September 24, 2022 at locations across Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks. This will mark the return of the largest night sky festival in the region after […]

Update on Water Main Work in Downtown Visalia and Road Closure Coming to Ben Maddox for Railroad Repair

California Water Service’s water main replacement project, in conjunction with the City of Visalia Downtown Streetlight project, has been suspended due to unforeseen field conditions. These unforeseen field conditions encountered in the process of boring under Mill Creek culvert, at the intersection of Main and Encina Streets, requires additional material that will not be available […]