California Farm Bureau Endorses State Treasurer Fiona Ma for Re-Election

A press release from California Farm Bureau In Endorsing First Democrat of 2022 Election Cycle, CFB Recognizes Fiona Ma’s Long History of Advocacy and Leadership for the Agriculture Economy California State Treasurer Fiona Ma’s campaign for re-election today announced the endorsement of the California Farm Bureau. The endorsement speaks to Treasurer Ma’s long history of […]

Vote No on Prop 29: 21 Newspapers Across California Reject Prop 29

A press release from the California Chamber of Commerce Newspapers across California are urging their readers to vote no on Proposition 29, a November ballot measure that would require dialysis clinics to maintain, at the dialysis clinic’s expense, at least one licensed physician, nurse practitioner or physician assistant on site during all times that in-center dialysis […]

Voters Should Reject Proposition 30

A press release from the California Chamber of Commerce The California Chamber of Commerce is urging all Californians to vote NO on Proposition 30. California’s ability to compete depends on attracting and retaining entrepreneurs and investors. The reality is that the new taxes proposed in Proposition 30 will drive investment out of the state. To […]

Sierra View Medical Center to Place Influenza and Respiratory Syncytial Virus Visitation Restrictions in Place Immediately

Sierra View Medical Center (SVMC) has begun implementing Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) and Influenza (Flu) restrictions to prevent the spread of these viruses to those who are more susceptible. SVMC will keep visitation restrictions enforced for the safety of patients, visitors, and staff until spring of 2023 and will reevaluate again at that time.  Visitors […]

Close of Registration for this election is Monday, October 24, 2022

Tulare County Registrar of Voters, Michelle Baldwin, is announcing that the upcoming General Election will be held on Tuesday, November 8, 2022. IMPORTANT REMINDERS: The Close of Registration for this election is Monday, October 24, 2022. Voter registration cards are available at locations throughout Tulare County. To obtain a mail-in registration card, please call (559) […]