Asian Citrus Psyllids Detected Near Porterville

The Tulare County Agricultural Commissioner’s office announced that six additional Asian citrus psyllids (ACP) were detected on three traps south of the city of Porterville in July. These interceptions were confirmed by the California Department of Agriculture (CDFA), bringing the number of psyllids found in Tulare County to nine. CDFA saturated the affected area with […]

Did the Bridges of Tulare County Get an Unfair Review?

According to the American Society of Civil Engineers, out of the 664 bridges in Tulare County, 55 are “structurally deficient” and 75 are “functionally obsolete.” In the aftermath of the bridge collapse on Interstate 5 north of Seattle in May, and the 2007 collapse of a bridge in Minnesota that killed 13 people, how safe […]