UPDATED: HCCA Filed Deed Against Evolutions Before Hospital Filed Chapter 9

Healthcare Conglomerate Associates (HCCA) filed a Deed of Trust against Evolutions Fitness & Wellness Center in Tulare one day before the Tulare Local Healthcare District, the legal entity which owns the gym, filed bankruptcy. The deed was filed September 28, the same day that the hospital management company told its employees it could not immediately […]

HCCA Stays at TRMC, State Regulator Expresses Doubts

Healthcare Conglomerate Associates’ (HCCA) contract with the Tulare Local Healthcare District will stand as the bankruptcy judge in the district’s case deliberates on whether to allow the district to reject the contract. At the same time, the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) has doubts over the hospital’s continued operations, whether they’re under HCCA or […]

Kings County Prosecutor Darby Declares Run for Tulare County District Attorney

Matt Darby declared his candidacy for the office of District Attorney of Tulare County Thursday in front of the Tulare County Courthouse. Clayton Diltz, a chaplain at the Fresno Veterans Home, introduced Darby to the crowd summing him up by saying “in a word Matt is authentic.” Darby said that his purpose is “to bring back […]

Tulare City Council Wants Meeting With TLHCD Board

The Tulare City Council remains open to requesting a state audit of the Tulare Local Health Care District (TLHCD) and plans to move forward with a reorganization of the city’s Planning Commission. But it took them nearly two hours of heated discussion. ‘Why Are We Here?’ Confusion, accusations and infighting all have plagued the Council […]

Tulare Heads Back to Court Today, Could Partner with Community Medical, Sante Health

Tulare Regional Medical Center could be managed on an interim basis by Sante Health and Community Medical Centers, both of Fresno, according to legal filings from the Tulare Local Healthcare District. But that’s only possible if a bankruptcy judge allows the district to reject its contract with Healthcare Conglomerate Associates (HCCA) at a hearing Thursday […]

As Southern Inyo Attempts to Leave HCCA, Search Warrant Served

The Southern Inyo Healthcare District has asked a bankruptcy court to allow it to exit its contract with Healthcare Conglomerate Associates after alleged financial mismanagement and unauthorized use of the district’s bank accounts. Additionally, an attorney for the district claims the district was served with a search warrant Tuesday morning by the Tulare County District […]