Kaweah Delta Joins Nationwide Research Network

A hospital emergency department may not seem the most likely place to perform a clinical trial. Loud, stressful and chaotic, the American emergency room offers a tried-and-true backdrop for television and motion picture productions but is not typically considered the domain of painstaking academic research. However, physicians will attest that important life-saving research can take […]

Sierra View Receives National Recognition for Quality

The Joint Commission has recognized Sierra View Medical Center as a 2017 Pioneers in Quality™ Data Contributor for its contributions to electronic clinical quality measure (eCQM) data for quality improvement in health care. Until recently, most hospitals collected information to measure health care quality by manually abstracting data from patient records. Today, through eCQMs—which rely […]

Resignation Letter Reveals Alleged Sexual Harassment and Unfair Pay by Assemblyman Mathis

A resignation letter by a former employee of Assemblyman Devon Mathis appears to corroborate claims of sexism made by another former staffer, and recount inappropriate comments made about multiple women. The letter, sent to the California Assembly Rules Committee by former Assemblyman Devon Mathis staffer Joel Rosales, outlines why he resigned in June of 2015 […]

Tulare Police Personnel on Administrative Leave – Costing City Thousands

As of November 7, the City of Tulare is potentially spending more than $37,000 per month on police personnel who are not currently working, having been placed on paid administrative leave pending investigations. The sum includes their salaries and benefits, but does not include any additional pay, which may be paid to Acting Police Chief […]

Tulare City Council, Devon Mathis Support Hospital Audit; Plan to Reopen Evolutions Presented

The Tulare City Council — and Assemblyman Devon Mathis — have thrown their support behind a forensic audit of the Tulare Local Healthcare District’s bond spending. Mathis represents the 26th Assembly District, which includes Tulare. In a joint meeting on November 7, the council and the district convened a joint meeting to discuss how the city […]

After TRMC Closure, Area Hospitals Prepare for Influx

With the shutdown of Tulare Regional Medical Center (TRMC) on October 29, other area hospitals are prepared to take on an additional patient load. The remaining TRMC patients were transferred to neighboring hospitals late last week, including to Kaweah Delta Health Care District (KDHCD), Sierra View Medical Center (SVMC) and Adventist Health in Reedley. At […]