Tulare Healthcare District Board Gets Hospital Progress Report

Tulare Regional Medical Center is inching closer to reopening, but there’s no concrete date yet, the hospital’s board was told Wednesday. The hospital has, however, received over 500 applications for employment, and a job fair is in the process of being scheduled, interim CEO Larry Blitz told the board. Additionally, the hospital’s management consultants now […]

Kings County K-9 Officer on the Mend After Shooting

Kings County Sheriff Department K-9 “DASH” is on the mend. This four-legged officer is home now and recovering with his patrol partner. DASH underwent emergency surgery at Veterinary Emergency Services in Fresno to repair injuries sustained after being shot by a fleeing murder suspect in Kings County. According to his handler, DASH is groggy but displaying […]

HCCA’s Out at Tulare Regional Medical Center

Healthcare Conglomerate Associates has left the Tulare Regional Medical Center for the last time. The company’s contract to manage the hospital, the Evolutions Gym, its clinics and other associated facilities, was officially terminated at 5pm Wednesday. Former employees, Tulare Local Healthcare District board members, and community members began gathering in front of the hospital’s allied […]

Kaweah Delta Set to Use Overflow Tent for High Volume of ER Patients

Due to an early flu season and the recent closure of a nearby hospital’s emergency department and health clinics in Tulare, Kaweah Delta Medical Center has set up a tent to expand the size of its waiting area to accommodate the recent surge in patients heading to Kaweah Delta’s Emergency Department (ED). During periods of […]

Evolutions Gym Open Saturday, Tulare Regional Medical Center Progresses

This article has been updated to correct the calculations used for Evo Management Company’s monthly payment under the “The Contract” subheading. Some Tulare residents have one more thing to be thankful for this Thanksgiving: Evolutions Fitness and Wellness Center is slated to reopen Saturday at 6am. The announcement comes after the approval of a contract […]

Tulare Regional Medical Center Begins Recruitment Process for Hospital Employees

The Tulare Local Healthcare District Board of Directors announces that recruitment for hospital employees is underway in preparation for the reopening of Tulare Regional Medical Center (TRMC) in the near future. “We are excited that we are moving forward with the recruitment and interview process to staff TRMC, bringing us to our goal of creating […]