Healthy Visalia Committee set to kick off fifth annual Walk with a Doc Program Jan. 12

From the Desk of Kaweah Delta Media Relations Laura Florez-McCusker On Saturday, Jan. 12 from 8-9:15 a.m., the Healthy Visalia Committee working in partnership with Kaweah Delta, Family HealthCare Network, Tulare County Health & Human Services Agency, Key Medical Group, Humana, Health Net and the Visalia Parks and Recreation Department will kick off its fifth annual […]

Asm. Mathis Re-Appointed Vice Chair of Agriculture Committee

Will Also Serve on Budget, Environmental Safety, Governmental Organization, Natural Resources, Rules and Veterans Affairs Committees SACRAMENTO – Last week, Assemblyman Devon Mathis (R-Visalia) was re-appointed as Vice Chair of the Assembly Committee on Agriculture, a post he has held since 2016. Mathis was also named to the Assembly Committees on the Budget, Environmental Safety […]

CSET recruiting volunteers for tax assistance program

Community Services Employment Training (CSET) is now recruiting volunteers to assist with the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program (VITA). VITA provides no-cost tax preparation and electronic filing services to Tulare County households with less than $54,000 annual income. Approximately 200 volunteers are needed for the 2019 VITA program year. Tax preparation services will be provided […]

Homeless shelter put on hold

The emergency homeless shelter originally scheduled to open on the December 16 at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, has been delayed until the 26th. The staff coordinating the shelter stated they ran into “administrative hurdles” but are confident in the new date. So much so, that the sign-ups for volunteers are live at: and the […]