Dems Kill Legislation that Would Help Independent Contractors

From the office of State Senator Shannon Grove SACRAMENTO – Today, California State Senate Republicans rallied with independent contractors in support of Senate Bill 238. This proposed legislation would have allowed hardworking Californians who are independent contractors to continue with their employment choice. SB 238 would have conformed California’s test for employment with an existing federal standard. […]

Dems Kill Legislation that Would Help Independent Contractors

Press release from the office of State Senator Shannon Grove SACRAMENTO – Today, California State Senate Republicans rallied with independent contractors in support of Senate Bill 238. This proposed legislation would have allowed hardworking Californians who are independent contractors to continue with their employment choice. SB 238 would have conformed California’s test for employment with an existing […]

New behavior policies take hold at Visalia Unified

A new ideology of behavior reform is taking hold in Visalia schools and the district is experiencing minor success. Beliefs behind Positive Behavior Interventions and Support (PBIS) are not new. According to the PBIS informational website, Congress amended the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act in 1997 and included the framework for the structure that would […]