McCarthy, Nunes, Calvert, Cook, McClintock, and State Senator Grove Oppose Lawsuit Against New Regulations on CA Water

Press Releases from the offices of Representatives Kevin McCarthy and State Senator Shannon Grove Today, Representatives Kevin McCarthy(CA-23), Devin Nunes (CA-22), Ken Calvert (CA-42), Paul Cook (CA-08), and Tom McClintock (CA-04) issued the following statement after California Attorney General Becerra filed litigation – with the support of Governor Newsom – against the Trump Administration’s new […]

DOJ Alumni Statement on the Events Surrounding the Sentencing of Roger Stone

We, the undersigned, are alumni of the United States Department of Justice (DOJ) who have collectively served both Republican and Democratic administrations. Each of us strongly condemns President Trump’s and Attorney General Barr’s interference in the fair administration of justice. As former DOJ officials, we each proudly took an oath to support and defend our […]

Larry Micari Endorsed by Tulare County Deputy Sheriffs Association in District 1 Race

A press release from the Larry Micari for Tulare County Supervisor District 1 Campaign District 1 candidate Micari applauded for finding common sense solutions Larry Micari picked up another major endorsement on Monday as the Tulare County Deputy Sheriff’s Association officially backed Micari in his race to represent District 1 on the Tulare County Board […]

Larry Micari Endorsed by Local Law Enforcement in Tulare County District 1 Race

A Press Release by the Campaign for Larry Micari for TCBOS District 1 The endorsements continue roll in for Larry Micari in his race to represent District 1 on the Tulare County Board of Supervisors. Micari, was endorsed Thursday by the Exeter Police Officers Association, Farmersville Police Officers Association, and Lindsay Police Officers Association. Micari […]

Kaweah Delta Achieves America’s 250 Best Hospitals for 2nd year in a row

A Press Release from Kaweah Delta Today, for the second consecutive year, Kaweah Delta Medical Center was named one of Healthgrades 2020 America’s 250 Best Hospitals. The distinction places the Hospital in the top 5 percent of 4,500 hospitals assessed nationwide for superior clinical performance as measured by Healthgrades, the leading online resource for comprehensive information […]

2020 World Ag Expo Plows Ahead

After a successful Tuesday morning launch, visitors from all over the world continue to flock to the International Agri-Center for the 53rd annual World Ag Expo. Featured events are Women in Ag, Toyota Giveaway, the Wine and Cheese Pavilion, Ag tours, scholarships, and seminars. The Expo covers 2.6 million square feet including a variety of […]