Two COVID-19 Press Releases

From the Sacramento Bee: “Faced with mounting coronavirus infections, California Gov. Gavin Newsom on Sunday issued sweeping new restrictions in California, calling for home isolation of everyone in the state over age 65, the high-risk population group. He also asked for closure of bars, wine bars, breweries and pubs, and called for restaurants to reduce […]

MONDAY: Rep. TJ Cox to Host Tele-Town Hall to Update Central Valley Residents on the spread of Coronavirus

From the office of Congress member TJ Cox: On Monday, March 16th, Rep. TJ Cox (CA-21) will host a Tele-Town Hall to update Central Valley residents on the spread of COVID-19 across the country. Joining him will be  Dr. Rais Vohra, Fresno County Interim Health Officer, a public health expert in the Central Valley, who will be able to answer questions […]

Tulare County Public Health Branch and Kaweah Delta Report Second Confirmed Case of 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Tulare County Public Health Officer Dr. Karen Haught announced on March 13 that a second individual has tested positive for COVID-19 in Tulare County. The individual is in stable condition and self-isolating at home. It is known that the individual traveled out of the area to the Bay Area before showing symptoms. Tulare County Public […]

VUSD Announces School Closures

VUSD Announces School Closures   VISALIA, CA – The health, safety, and well-being of students and staff are the highest priority for Visalia Unified School District; and as such, the District has attentively been monitoring the situation surrounding COVID-19.  To our knowledge, no VUSD students or staff members have contracted or are being tested for […]

Bud, Lance Mouw 60th Farmers of the Year

The “Noon” Kiwanis Club of Tulare presents its 60th “Farmer of the Year” award to Bud and Lance Mouw, farmer and dairy producers from Tulare. The luncheon will take place on Wednesday, March 25, 2020 at 12:00 pm at the Heritage Complex in Tulare. This annual awards luncheon recognizes the lifetime achievements of outstanding agriculturalists […]