BLM Protesters Will Form Human Chain

“We’re going to be a human chain protecting these posters,” Serena Salcido, 19, Black Lives Matter (BLM) organizer said. “This is a memorial…I will fight for this.” Hours after the Visalia Unified School District’s decision to take down the signs outside of El Diamante High School on Monday, BLM protesters gathered outside the school around […]

Signs to Come Down at El Diamante

Editor’s note: Members of the community have started removing the signs for safe keeping and to preserve them. Visalia Unified School District (VUSD) Superintendent Dr. Tamara Ravalin sent out an email today announcing the Black Lives Matter (BLM) signs outside of El Diamante High School will be removed by July 3rd. No new signs, posters, […]

Bars Mandated to Close in Tulare and Kings County

In a written statement by Governor Newsom and Public Health Officer Dr. Sonia Angell all bars in Tulare and Kings Counties must close immediately. Seven counties in total received the mandate including Fresno, Imperial, Kern, San Joaquin and Los Angeles. The statement also made a recommendation that eight other counties close their bars but it […]

Report Details Pandemic Losses to California Farms and Ranches

A Press Release from the California Farm Bureau Pandemic-related losses to California farms, ranches and agricultural businesses will range between $5.9 billion and $8.6 billion this year, according to an economic study released today. The analysis says the state’s agricultural sector has already suffered $2 billion in losses so far, from disrupted markets and rising […]