McCarthy challenger Mangone raises more money in Q2 than all of McCarthy’s prior opponents combined

Today, Congressman Kevin McCarthy’ Democratic challenger Kim Mangone, announced that she raised $360,000 in the second quarter of 2020 in the race for CA-23. The haul for Mangone is more money raised in a single quarter than every single McCarthy previous challenger has raised in their entire campaigns combined. “This campaign is officially putting Kevin […]

Hanford City Council clashes over how to regulate popular automotive business

Community Development Director Darlene Mata presented material July 7 at a  hearing regarding the revocation of an operating permit of Aguilar and Sons Automotive at 330 E. 7th Street. While Mata showed that Richard Aguilar was out of compliance with various city regulations, she faced significant pushback from more than 6 residents–many of them business […]

VUSD’s plan for reopening flexible

Students in the Visalia Unified School District (VUSD) will attend class on a part-time basis when they return to campus next month during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. At a special meeting of the VUSD trustees held Tuesday, July 14, Dr. Tamara Ravalin presented the district’s best guess at what the class schedule for the 2020-21 […]

As California Comes Close to Shutting Down – Kaweah Delta Answers Hospital Capacity Questions

Kaweah Delta Medical Center at capacity? Are all COVID-19 designated beds at the Medical Center full? Is the hospital requiring members of The Lifestyle Center, its fitness center, to wear face masks? Is the hospital profiting off COVID-19 patients because it gets paid more for COVID-19 patients? These are just some of the questions that […]