Visalia City Council Authorize CARES

At the Monday, August 3rd City Council meeting, the Council received a presentation from Finance Department staff on the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act (CARES) funds. Seeking Council authorization to accept and appropriate the dollars, City staff explained that when the CARES Act was signed into law in March of this year, it […]

TLHCD Board Members File for Reelection

Press Release Tulare CA—July 31, 2020—The President and Vice-President of the Tulare Local Healthcare District, Kevin Northcraft (District 4) and Mike Jamaica, (District 2) respectively, have jointly announced they will be seeking reelection in the November 3, 2020 general election. Both were elected by over 60% of the vote in a controversial election in 2016. […]

New Hanford Family to Build House with Habitat! Construction has started on Cameron Street.

Women Build volunteers will raise the walls on Habitat’s newest homeowership project in Hanford on July 29th and 30th. Victor and Danielle, the future homeowners, will be on the jobsite swinging hammers alongside community volunteers. Habitat for Humanity’s Women Build events are designed to invite women to devote at least one day to help families […]