Farmersville couple suing Tulare County over drug raid based on false allegations

A Farmersville couple is fighting back after the Tulare County Sheriff’s Department raided their home and arrested them on December 16, 2019, under the allegation that large quantities of heroin were “transferred” at their residence. “I told them repeatedly that I didn’t have any weapons and I thought, I can get shot right now and […]

Visalia Unified finances solid

Despite the turmoil caused by the coronavirus pandemic, the Visalia Unified School District (VUSD) will see a budget boost of nearly $20 million over the previous school year. According to numbers presented to the school board by Jim Sullivan, administrator of VUSD Family and Community Services, the district’s coffers should contain around $387 million from […]

Kaweah Delta receives COVID vaccine, finalizes plans to give to healthcare workers

Today, Kaweah Delta Medical Center received its first shipment of the coronavirus vaccine and finalized preparations to begin giving the vaccine to healthcare workers at highest risk of exposure to COVID-19. “The vaccine is our dawn. It’s the warm sun finally rising over the horizon and giving us hope,” said Gary Herbst, Chief Executive Officer […]

COVID-19 Vaccine to be Stored and Distributed from Kern Medical

A press release from the office of Assemblymember Salas BAKERSFIELD – Assemblymember Rudy Salas (D-Bakersfield) and local healthcare workers celebrated the announcement that the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine would be stored and distributed from Kern Medical to the larger Central Valley region. This effort was made possible through $5 million in funding that Assemblymember Salas secured […]

Tulare County Superior Court to Make Additional Operational Adjustments in Response to Regional Stay at Home Orders

A Press Release from Tulare County Superior Court As an additional response to the recent surge in COVID-19 cases and Governor’s regional stay at home order that went into effect December 6, 2020, the Superior Court of California, County of Tulare, is taking additional precautionary measures to ensure the health and safety of the court […]