Kaweah Water Foundation to Host Safe Drinking Water Public Workshop Series in January 2021

The newly formed Kaweah Water Foundation (KWF) will be hosting a series of Safe Drinking Water public workshops in January 2021 for residents within Tulare County.  The Part One and Part Two workshops will focus on nitrates in the Kaweah area and short-term drinking water solutions for community water systems and domestic well users. Attendees […]

Former Tulare hospital CEO hires celebrity attorneys to aid criminal defense

The trial of Healthcare Conglomerate Associates (HCCA) CEO Dr. Yorai “Benny” Benzeevi could become a high-profile case garnering nationwide attention, as former attorneys for disgraced movie producer Harvey Weinstein and Casey Anthony — a Florida woman accused and acquitted of murdering her 2-year-old daughter — join his legal team. Benzeevi’s company managed the Tulare Local […]

Tulare County Public Health Releases COVID-19 Vaccine Schedule

The COVID-19 virus continues to spread at alarming rates throughout Tulare County. In the midst of an ongoing surge of infections following holiday social gatherings, Tulare County Public Health releases its COVID-19 Vaccine Schedule for distribution and delivery of the much-anticipated vaccine to end the pandemic. For the COVID-19 Vaccine Schedule in Tulare County and […]

Sens. Hawley and Cruz Fundraise off of their Challenge to the Electoral College

Senate Majority leader Mitch McConnell along with other establishment Republicans warned fellow senators not to object to certifying the election results of President-elect Biden’s win in today’s vote in Washington. But two senators are ignoring their party’s leadership advice while raking in the cash. Voters received a mid-morning message yesterday from Senator Ted Cruz saying, […]

Salas introduces bill to reform Employment Development Department

On the first day of the 2021-2022 Legislative Session, Assemblymember Rudy Salas (D-Bakersfield) introduced Assembly Bill (AB) 56, which will overhaul the Employment Development Department (EDD) to speed up and simplify unemployment insurance claims, protect Californians from identity theft, stop rampant fraud of the unemployment insurance system, and hold the department accountable if they do […]