Here we go again… drought

Drought. It’s back. California’s water supply levels are slipping very close to those that existed at the beginning of 2014, which was the start of the last drought cycle. Hopes diminish for a Miracle March deluge to fill sinking reservoir and dam levels as April approaches. The state is particularly dry since 2020 was a […]

Two minor hitches in annual VUSD audit

All is well financially at the Visalia Unified School District, though there were a pair of very minor problems uncovered during the district’s annual audit, and maybe an error in protocol.   Reporting Error According to Charles Raibley–an accountant and senior manager at the accounting firm Crowe LLP who performed the district’s annual audit–the district […]

Landlord says county behind on support payments

A local landlord says the county’s Health and Human Services Agency is at least three months behind on room-and-board payments for some of the mental health patients whose welfare the agency is meant to protect.   Three Months Behind (So Far) Barbara Mathis, who operates three room-and-board homes for at-risk mental health patients transitioning from […]

Tulare Cemetery board meeting vacillates between chaos, calm; board attempts settlement

Tulare County Supervisor Pete Vander Poel meets with Chair Avila out of concern for disinterments With issues of litigation, firings, and disinterments facing the Tulare Public Cemetery District (TPCD) tensions were running high between a disgruntled constituency and the trustees. Not surprisingly, 20 minutes into their March 25 meeting, Chair Xavier Avila felt it necessary […]

COVID-19 Vaccine Available at Mass Vaccination Clinic at Agri-Center in Tulare

A press release from the Tulare County Health and Human Services Tulare County residents and workers who are currently eligible to receive the COVID-19 vaccine and have been unable to secure an appointment elsewhere can now get vaccinated at the County’s mass vaccination clinic located at the International Agri-Center in Tulare. Simply visit My Turn at: to sign […]

Kaweah Delta Hospital Foundation Director named Woman of the Year

A Press release from the Kaweah Delta Hospital District Assemblymember Devon Mathis (R-Visalia) has named Elizabeth Wynn, Director of the Kaweah Delta Hospital Foundation, as the 26th Assembly District’s 2021 Woman of the Year. “Elizabeth Wynn’s commitment to bless her community through service is inspiring. She strengthens the valley as she works for everyone’s right […]