Chris Mathys, GOP primary candidate, begins effort to declare delta smelt extinct

The delta smelt could be declared endangered if Chris Mathys, a Republican primary challenger to David Valadao, gets his way. “Federal and state mandated rules related to the delta smelt in California are severely restricting the releases of surface water relied upon by California’s farmers and ranchers. Agriculture products are vital to California’s economy and […]

Superintendent of Visalia Unified School District Dr. Tamara Ravalin Announces Plans to Retire August 2021

A press release from the Visalia Unified School District Superintendent of Visalia Unified School District Dr. Tamara Ravalín announced today to the VUSD Board of Education and VUSD staff her plans to retire on August 31, 2021. Dr. Ravalín has served in education for 40 years. Dr. Ravalin states, “The last two years have brought […]

Visalia’s environmental, disability advocacy committees get the ax

Visalia City Council voted May 3 to eliminate the city’s Disability Advocacy and Environmental committees. Now soon-to-be former volunteers–as well as at least one city councilman–are concerned about declining citizen participation. Citizen Voices Silenced The move marks a continuation of the Visalia council’s ongoing efforts to reduce the number of committees and the number of […]

Valley Voice honored with eight CNPA awards

The Valley Voice earned eight awards in the California News Publishers Association’s (CNPA) 2020 California Journalism Awards competition, which judged the Voice against similarly-sized online publications. Because the Voice’s last print edition was in March 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, all entries were in the digital category for publications with a monthly unique visitor […]

Marisa Wood – 20-year Veteran of Bakersfield Public Schools – Launches Campaign Against Career Politician Kevin McCarthy

A press release from the Marisa Wood for Congress Campaign Public school teacher, mother, and grandmother, Marisa Wood announced she will run for Congress against Representative Kevin McCarthy. Marisa has spent the last 20 years serving the Bakersfield community and working with children, and now she’s taking on McCarthy to fight for the women and […]

CA budget $65 billion more than last summer – What will Newsom do with windfall?

An article by CalChamber Relying on a “once in a lifetime” surge in state revenues, Governor Gavin Newsom is proposing a revised state budget for 2021–22 roughly $40 billion larger than what he proposed in January, and a whopping $65 billion, or one-third, larger than the budget adopted last summer. The contrast between the devastation […]