Happy New Year! Calendar of Events for January and February

January 2nd through January 31: Coyolxauhqui, Madre Cosmica Exhibition and Opening Reception Gallery Hours: Noon-5:30 p.m., Wednesdays-Saturdays. Opening Reception is First Friday, January 3rd from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at Arts Visalia Visual Art Center 214 E. Oak Ave Contact: Arts Visalia Visual Art Center. 559-739-0905, artsvisalia@sbcglobal.net January 15 – March 12: The Bad Art Show […]

League of Women Voters, AAUW celebrate centennial of womens’ right to vote with noted author

As we enter an election year with full female participation—in terms of both candidates and electorate—it’s hard to imagine what the United States was like before the 19th Amendment secured women the right to vote. Author Angelica Shirley Carpenter will bring it to life, through her newest book, Born Criminal: Matilda Joslyn Gage, Radical Suffragist, […]

Christmas is Coming! Enjoy the Season with Valley Voice’s Calendar of Events

December 19: An Irish Christmas The Visalia Fox Theatre at 7:00 P.M. Features an award-winning cast of Irish dancers led by Riverdance Principal Dancer Caterina Coyne, World Champion Dancer Tyler Schwartz and Connor Reider Tickets range from $12 to $54. VIP Meet & Greet Pre-Show Reception. Purchase tickets at FoxVisalia.org, call 559-625-1FOX or visit our box […]

Calendar of Events for the Holidays!

November 19: “Voting in 2020: A Community Organization’s Perspective,” Executive Director of ACT Erin Garner-Ford will speak at the meeting of the League of Women Voters of Tulare County. Lunch, $15, on a first-come/first-serve basis,11:30am at Sue Sa’s Left of Center, 699 W. Center Ave., in Visalia. Reservations must be received by Friday, November 15. […]

September/October Calendar

September 4 – September 27: Musae Exhibition and Opening Reception Hosted by Arts Visalia. Opening Reception is First Friday, September 6th from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at Arts Visalia Visual Art Center 214 E. Oak Ave. Gallery Hours: Noon-5:30 p.m., Wednesdays-Saturdays. Attn: Janelle Howard, Gallery Director. 559-739-0905, artsvisalia@sbcglobal.net September 5: December 12: Visalia Fox […]