World Ag Expo ‘a candy store’ for farmers

The 2.6 million square feet of exhibit space at the World Ag Expo in Tulare last week brimmed with robotics, automated harvesters, artificial intelligence, plus low-emission vehicles, data management software and even some traditional implements to help farmers. “This place is like a candy store, just seeing all the new technologies, and (I can) dream […]

Three scholarships available from Kings County Farm Bureau

Kings County Farm Bureau (KCFB) has long been a proud supporter of agriculture education, and invests in the industry’s future leaders by awarding scholarships to graduating high school seniors each year. This year, KCFB will be awarding their own scholarships to qualified seniors, while also managing two additional scholarships. Since the start of KCFB’s scholarship […]

Study: Clogged California ports hurting farmers

As a major gateway for California agricultural trade, West Coast ports remain among the least efficient in the world, according to recent data. Now those clogged ports threaten farmers’ ability to get products to market—and could undermine their standing as reliable suppliers. In a study published last month, the University of California, Davis, estimated California […]

Satellites track water use to aid crop efficiency

As California weathers another drought, tools that can help farmers and ranchers maximize the water they do get are being sharpened. The newest effort to measure such water use was launched last week by a public-private coalition featuring three federal agencies—the National Aeronautics and Space Administration; the U.S. Department of Agriculture; and the U.S. Geological […]

Flows to increase; water districts cry foul

The Newsom administration has informed regional water districts that it will move forward with a plan to increase flows from San Joaquin River tributaries in an action that may create more water uncertainty for farmers. A notice from the California Natural Resources Agency and state Environmental Protection Agency represents a departure from the state’s earlier […]