Response to Tulare County

In response to the Valley Voice’s article on the “County Responds to Mooney Grove Cat Controversy,” Dr. Weber, a TNR volunteer, had these comments: Supervisor Cox was offended that the county was portrayed as all we want to do is kill cats, which is far from the truth. What is the truth? As has been […]

Rethinking Medical Marijuana

Recently, medical marijuana has been repeatedly attacked in both local media in Tulare, and even statewide. We often will read in the paper, or watch mindlessly on our TV screens, disinformation that teaches us of apparent “inherent violence” in the medical marijuana community. What a lot of these stories being run are not telling you […]

RE Report: Winter Housing Market

As we enter 2014, there is renewed optimism in the real estate market. Varying expert sales forecasts have somewhat tempered expectations, but new residential construction activity and solid existing home sales hint at continued market strength. While the number of sold houses over this summer and holiday season has not increased in comparison to the […]

Valley Ag to Reap Rewards of Blooming Trade Pacts

The San Joaquin Valley has suffered for years from over-regulation and a resulting man-made drought. With the U.S. Senate having blocked a comprehensive water solution, the lack of surface water is creating excessive demand on the aquifer, threatening even worse water problems in the future. These policies – imposed by big-government adherents and environmental extremists […]

Kaelble: “Louisiana Style Politics Has No Place in the Central Valley”

Ralph Kaelble, candidate for Tulare County District Attorney, has accused his opponent Tim Ward of “playing politics” after his wife Afreen Kaelble was recently fired from her position as a Supervising District Attorney. Ward, the current District Attorney, is running against Ralph Kaelble in the upcoming June elections. Kaelble has earned a number of endorsements […]

Local Author Shares History and Photographs of Tulare in New Book

The newest addition to Arcadia Publishing’s “Images of America” series is Tulare from local author Sésar A. Carreño. The book, released on Monday, boasts more than 200 vintage images of the early days of Tulare. Tulare was originally founded by the Southern Pacific Railroad as the terminal for its southern division. The railroad billed Tulare […]