TCOE Theatre Company launches virtual Masterclass Series to connect students with professionals in performing arts

This month, the TCOE Theatre Company launched its Masterclass Series. This ongoing series of Zoom-based presentations allows students to speak with TCOE Theatre Company alumni, staff, and guest speakers to see how they utilize their collegiate training, how they prepare for auditions, and what it’s like to work professionally on famous stages. Next week, Carly […]

TCOE Early Childhood Education receives grants to support those affected by COVID-19

Since the closure of Tulare County schools in mid-March, the Early Childhood Education Program (ECEP) has received two substantial grants to support families impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. These additional funds come as the program continues to serve children learning at home through the distribution of activity packets and additional school supplies. As directed by […]

Survey shows strains on rural California

Lost markets and lost off-farm income related to the COVID-19 pandemic have proven doubly difficult for many California farmers and ranchers, according to a survey by the California Farm Bureau Federation. More than half of the farmers responding to the voluntary survey said they had lost customers or sales due to COVID-19, and nearly half […]

Help donate to COVID-19 fund by snapping a photo, with Robyn Icenhower & Associates

Robyn Icenhower & Associates Signs of Hope Campaign will be donating to the Kaweah Delta Hospital Foundation-Covid 19 Relief Fund. Earlier this month, Robyn Icenhower & Associates provided lawn signs to local residents that display messages of hope by placing them in front yards throughout Tulare County. With messages like “BETTER TOGETHER”, “HOPE” and “VISALIA […]