New Hanford Family to Build House with Habitat! Construction has started on Cameron Street.

Women Build volunteers will raise the walls on Habitat’s newest homeowership project in Hanford on July 29th and 30th. Victor and Danielle, the future homeowners, will be on the jobsite swinging hammers alongside community volunteers. Habitat for Humanity’s Women Build events are designed to invite women to devote at least one day to help families […]

My Statement on Foreign Interference in U.S. Elections

Foreign interference in the U.S. electoral process represents an assault on the American people and their constitutional right to vote. When foreign states direct hackers, trolls, money launderers, and misinformation to subvert or cast doubt on our elections, they threaten America’s sovereignty, democratic institutions, and national security. They undermine the vote and the voice of […]

“Always Rejoice”! Convention of Jehovah’s Witnesses moves to streaming platform

In a world where achieving a state of sustained joy may seem elusive—even impossible—for many, millions of Jehovah’s Witnesses and their invited guests in some 240 lands will “attend” a global convention this summer with the theme “Always Rejoice”! For the first time in their history of holding conventions, Jehovah’s Witnesses have moved this highly […]

Youth vaping epidemic ongoing during pandemic

The youth in our county have been denied classrooms, groups of friends and usual activities for over 4 months due to COVID 19.  Are they bored?  I would say “yes”! Another epidemic is occurring in our state and bored youth are its perfect target.  The epidemic is teen vaping.  A lot of people, including the […]

McCarthy challenger Mangone raises more money in Q2 than all of McCarthy’s prior opponents combined

Today, Congressman Kevin McCarthy’ Democratic challenger Kim Mangone, announced that she raised $360,000 in the second quarter of 2020 in the race for CA-23. The haul for Mangone is more money raised in a single quarter than every single McCarthy previous challenger has raised in their entire campaigns combined. “This campaign is officially putting Kevin […]