CalChamber Takes Position on Prop. 16, Prop. 23

The California Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors has taken the following positions on two upcoming ballot measures: SUPPORT: Proposition 16 Placed on the November 3, 2020 ballot by legislative measure ACA 5 (Weber; D-San Diego), Proposition 16 repeals Section 31 of Article 1 of the California Constitution, which establishes a prohibition on state and […]

New sweet treat to be available at Tulare County Fair drive-thru

The Tulare County Fair’s line-up of sweet treats is now even sweeter, with the addition of BOSS Burger’s bacon churro cheeseburger. The drive-thru fair will be open Friday, Sept. 18, through Sunday, Sept. 20, from noon to 10 p.m. daily. Traditional fair food items, including churros, cotton candy and corndogs, will be available. Families can […]

Exeter FFA alumni to compete at the national level

Grace Jardon, a 2019 Exeter Union High School graduate, will once again represent the Exeter FFA Chapter at the 93rd National FFA Convention and Expo. Jardon is competing with her proficiency project in the Agriscience Research – Animal Systems category based on her research titled “Epidemiology and Treatment of Spinose Ear Ticks on a California […]

Hanford seeking money for 43-acre SW park

Hanford is applying for an $8.5 million state grant to purchase land for a new city park. The plan is to  and partially develop a 43-acre parcel of land behind the bowling alley on East Lacey Boulevard or another site at 9 ¼ and Florinda, said the parks director. The city council recently told Parks […]