HEAT Prevails In Court Again

On February 11th, Judge James T. La Porte of the Kings County Superior Court ruled that Hanford Environmental Action Team (HEAT) can proceed with its appeal of the Site Plan Review and the Negative Declaration for the proposed Bajun American Properties, L.P. apartment complex in West Hanford. The city of Hanford stated that HEAT missed […]

Debate Rises Around Mathis’ Veterans Benefits & Salary

Devon Mathis’ election to the California State Assembly in November of 2014 was considered an historic victory. The Veterans’ community campaigned hard to get someone elected who would fight for their cause in Sacramento. Disillusioned conservatives were pumped that a young independent resoundly beat the Republican establishment. On election night, Mathis’ campaign team celebrated at […]

Nordstrom Delays Decision

Visalia and Fresno are going to have to wait a little longer to find out where Nordstrom will build its new distribution center. According to Mike Olmos, Visalia’s City Manager, he called Nordstrom in January to see if they were still on track. The representative said that the date had been pushed out to April […]