UPHS Drama Club to present Disco Inferno, a show filled with laughs!

University Preparatory High School (UPHS) Drama Club is preparing to perform “Disco Inferno,” a comedy set in a discotheque with characters borrowed from the 70s sitcom, “Three’s Company” – Jack, Crissy, Janet, Ms. Roper, and Mr. Furley. “Disco Inferno” was inspired by the 17th century French comedy entitled “Scapin the Schemer,” by Molière.

Scapin constantly lies and tricks people to get ahead. He is an arrogant young man who acts as if nothing were impossible for him. He is also a diplomatic genius. He manages to play the other characters off of each other very easily, and yet manages to keep his overall goal — to help the young couples — in sight.

In their parent’s absence, Crissy, Ms. Roper’s daughter, has secretly married Hyatt, while Janet, Mr. Furley’s daughter, has secretly fallen in love with Zuni. But the parents return from a trip with other marriage plans for their respective children. Scapin, (who works for Mr. Furley) after hearing many pleas for help, comes to their rescue. Thanks to many tricks and lies, including coaxing meek Sylvester to play the part of a vicious biker, Scapin manages to come up with enough money from the parents to make sure that the young couples stay married. But, no one knows who Hyatt and Zuni are and there is a wacky twist at the end that reveals that and so much more!

The Drama Club is offering four public performances at the Rotary Theatre in Visalia. Three evening performances will begin at 7:30 p.m. on March 27, 28, and 29. A Saturday matinee at 12:00 p.m. will also be offered on March 29. Get ready to enjoy some disco music, dancing, audience participation, and a wild chase at the end.  UPHS Drama Club is confident “Disco Inferno” is a show that all audiences will enjoy!

For ticket information, call UPHS at (559) 737-5450 or visit https://forms.gle/xpugvWvxbbTeuCKp6 to reserve your seats.


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