CAL FIRE’s new fire hazard severity maps: public invited to review and comment

The public is invited to review and comment on newly published Fire Hazard Severity maps, which CAL FIRE has updated to show areas of Tulare County with the greatest wildfire risks.

The map shows Local Responsibility Areas (LRA) of Tulare County that have moderate, high, and very high fire hazard severity zones, defined as having physical conditions that create expected fire behavior over a 50-year period. The Tulare County Fire Department can recommend more restrictive requirements/changes to the maps but cannot reduce the fire severity recommended by CAL FIRE, during the 120-day adoption period.

Local fire agencies must adopt these maps per Government Codes 51179 and 51177(e).

The newly recommended fire hazard severity zones will impact development by dictating the materials and construction methods for exterior wildfire exposure, requiring a natural hazard disclosure during a real estate transaction, mandating a 100-foot defensible space buffer around a property, and stipulating additional development standards regarding road width, water supply, signage, and other features.

More information can be found on the following websites:

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