Tulare County seeks to fill vacancies on Lindsay-Strathmore Memorial District

The Tulare County Board of Supervisors is seeking interested individuals to fill one (1) vacant position on the Lindsay-Strathmore Memorial District representing the following seat:

Position: District 2 Veteran

Qualifications: Must be a Registered Voter within the District and a veteran.

Duties: The responsibilities of the Lindsay-Strathmore Memorial District shall include:

  • Provide and maintain memorial halls, assembly halls, buildings, or meeting places, together with suitable indoor and outdoor park and recreation facilities.
  • Enter into agreements with county, municipal, school, park, or other public authorities or agencies conveying, leasing, or making available to the district.
  • Purchase, construct, lease, build, furnish, or repair halls, buildings, meeting places, and facilities upon sites owned or leased by the district or made available to the district.

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