Respiratory disease season prompts visitation restrictions at Sierra View Medical Center

The 2024/25 Influenza (Flu), Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV), and COVID-19 Season is now in full swing, and Sierra View Medical Center (SVMC) is taking proactive measures to protect its patients, staff, and the local community. As part of our annual commitment to prevent the spread of respiratory viruses, SVMC is implementing visitation restrictions effective from September 30, 2024, until the end of the Influenza/RSV/COVID-19 season in late spring 2025.
  • WHAT: Visitation restrictions in SVMC Acute Care Units, DP/SNF, and Cancer Treatment Center
  • WHO: Visitors under the age of 13
  • WHY: To protect individuals at higher risk of severe flu, RSV, or COVID-19 complications, particularly children (especially younger children), adults over 65 years of age, and those with chronic illnesses such as asthma, heart disease, diabetes, or individuals who are immunocompromised.
  • WHEN: Starting September 30 2024, and continuing until the conclusion of the respiratory season in late spring 2025.
The annual visitation restrictions are designed to safeguard the most vulnerable members of our community and to help prevent the transmission of these contagious respiratory viruses. By limiting visitors under the age of 13 from entering SVMC’s Acute Care Units (where patients have been admitted), we aim to reduce the risk of flu, RSV, and COVID-19 transmission within the hospital and the broader community. Note that those 13 years old and over can enter.
What You Can Do to Help Stop the Spread of respiratory diseases including COVID-19, Flu, and RSV:

  • Get vaccinated: Vaccines are available for flu, RSV, and COVID-19. Consult your healthcare provider or local vaccination clinics for information on obtaining these vaccines.
  • Wash your hands frequently: Proper hand hygiene is essential in preventing the spread of viruses. Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
  • Cover coughs and sneezes: Use a tissue or the inside of your elbow to cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing.
  • Avoid touching your face: Especially your eyes, nose, and mouth, as this can introduce viruses into your body.
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick: Maintain a safe distance from individuals who exhibit flu, RSV, or COVID-19 symptoms.
  • If you need care, please reach out to your physician’s office.
  • If you’re unable to see your doctor, you may reach out to local health centers including:

Sierra View Medical Center is committed to the well-being of our patients and the broader community. We thank you for your understanding and cooperation in adhering to these visitation restrictions during the 2024/25 Influenza/RSV/COVID-19 Season.

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