FHCN to withdraw OBGYN services from Adventist Hanford on September 1

Newborn twins delivered at Adventist Hanford

Family Healthcare Network will no longer provide OBGYN services at Adventist Health Hanford, according to a July notice to its patients.

The July 5 letter states that “Effective September 1, 2024 Family HealthCare Network will no longer provide OBGYN services, including delivering infants, at Adventist Health in Hanford.”

The letter went on to say that FHCN would continue delivering babies and providing OBGYN services at Kaweah Health and Sierra View Medical Center.

Kerry Hydash, President and CEO of FHCN stated in an email, “Based on the volume of activity at Adventist Hanford, we are transitioning away from providing OB inpatient services there.”

Renee Garcia, Marketing Account Manager for Adventist Health, said she was unaware FHCN had sent any such notice to its patients. She said she had no firsthand knowledge of why FHCN was pulling its services from Adventist Health Hanford, and referred questions to FHCN.

“We provide and will continue to provide prenatal care at many of our sites, including Hanford.  Regardless of where patients receive their prenatal care, they have always been able to deliver at any of the hospitals where we provide OB inpatient services,” a follow-up response from Hydash read.

Garcia said that the move would not impact patients.

“Adventist Health Hanford Birth Center is fully staffed with six on call OB providers. FHCN currently provides one on call OB, once per month. This will have no impact on the ability to support our maternal patients’ needs,” she said. “Adventist Health has been notified that FHCN can no longer provide their OBGYN provider to take call for the Adventist Health Hanford Birth Center.”

Whether the issue lies with FHCN or Adventist Hanford isn’t clear. But the fact that Tulare Adventist shuttered their labor and delivery unit “after a precipitous drop in births” April 30 of this year begs the question if the same thing is happening in Hanford – though it seems unlikely.

In May 2019, The Valley Voice interviewed Amanda Jaurigui, Communications Director for Adventist Hanford, who said that Adventist delivers approximately 2400 babies a year and the labor and delivery rooms are almost always full.

Eight years ago Adventists Hanford opened a new birthing center next to its hospital in conjunction with Valley Children’s.

Jaurigui pointed out that Adventist Hanford serves all of Kings and parts of Fresno County. Kings County includes Lemoore Naval Air Force Base that has a majority of young families also served by Adventist Hanford.

FHCN’s July 5 letter also implied Adventist Hanford birthing center was robust.

“We understand that this change may cause some inconvenience, and we apologize for any concern this may cause you. While we hope you continue your care with us, we understand if you want to transfer care to an alternative provider who delivers at Adventist Health.”

Garcia concurred.

“We’re still able to provide delivery services to these patients if needed.”

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