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Fong beats Boudreaux in May 21 Special Election for CD20

Boudreaux and Alexandria Macedo who is running for AD33 at a fundraiser

Assemblymember Vince Fong beat Tulare County Sheriff Mike Boudreaux in the May 21 Special Election for Rep. Kevin McCarthy’s Congressional District 20’s term.

McCarthy resigned last December two months after his ouster as House Speaker.

According to the Fresno Bee Fong will resign his AD32 seat to finish McCarthy’s term that ends early January.

Unofficial results from the California Secretary of State reported that Boudreaux had received 39.8% to Vince Fong’s 60.2% of the vote as of early this morning.

Even though Boudreaux received 67.8% of the vote in Tulare County it was not enough counter Fong’s overwhelming support in Kern County that makes up  the bulk of CD20.

Fong and Boudreaux will face each other again in the Nov. 5 general election for a two-year term to begin in January 2025. It is expected that Fong will also win the General Election.

Sheriff Mike Boudreaux issued the following statement in response to last night’s special election in the 20th Congressional District:

I have just gotten off the phone with Vince Fong to congratulate him on his victory. Since redistricting in 2021, voters in the 20th District have held high hopes for their representative in Congress and higher expectations for results. We are all pulling for success for our region.

I entered this campaign in December because we faced a crisis: the very real potential of losing critical, seasoned representation in Congress at a time when our region and nation’s public safety is threatened.

In the ensuing six months, I have been absolutely humbled by the outpouring of support from family, friends, and neighbors across Fresno, Tulare, Kings, and Kern counties who stepped up to volunteer their time and energy to our campaign and donated generously to spread our message for a better Valley.

I want to thank each and every volunteer, donor, and voter who helped guide our campaign past a barrage in March and into this special election.

Additionally, I want to thank my wife, Angela, and children Natalie, Nathan, and Zachary, for their sacrifice as I campaigned non-stop across hundreds of miles of our Valley.

Throughout my 38-year career in the Sheriff’s Department, I have consistently fought for a safer, vibrant community for my neighbors in Tulare County and across the San Joaquin Valley.

California faces a crime crisis unlike any other in its history. That’s why I will be stepping up the fight for a safer Valley and safer California. I look forward to providing updates on this effort in the coming weeks.

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