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Valley Voice


Signs alerting drivers to upcoming traffic changes have been installed near the intersection of Walnut Avenue and McAuliff Avenue in Visalia. The intersection is being changed from a two-way to four-way stop.

“It was determined through traffic studies that turning this from a two-way stop to a four-way stop can improve safety and address a crash trend at the intersection,” shared Danny Galindo, Public Works Manager, City of Visalia. “This traffic calming measure will address motorists who have previously failed to yield to cross-traffic that was not required to stop.”

Signboards are currently installed on Walnut Avenue, near the intersection, to alert drivers of the change. Crews will be working on striping and installing signage that goes into immediate effect once installed on Tuesday, May 7, 2024.

“This will be a change to the flow of traffic for those who drive, walk or bike through the area. It’s different from what they’re used to,” added Galindo. “We ask that travelers exercise extra caution once the change has been implemented and be aware for the coming weeks as people get used to the update.”

For more information on this project, contact Danny Galindo, Public Works Manger, City of Visalia, at (559) 713-4186.

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