Former Tulare hospital CEO pleads no contest to felonies, misdemeanors, will pay $2.4m and likely avoid jail

Dr. Yorai ‘Benny’ Benzeevi and his attorney, Nina Marino, were present via Zoom at a change of plea hearing on February 9, 2024. Tony Maldonado/Valley Voice

Dr. Yorai ”Benny” Benzeevi is now a felon.

On Friday, the 61-year-old pleaded no contest to six felony and two misdemeanor charges stemming from crimes committed while acting as CEO of the Tulare Local Healthcare District from 2014 to 2017. Tulare County Superior Court Judge Michael Sheltzer accepted the plea agreement during a hearing on February 9.

Benzeevi will be sentenced in Tulare County Superior Court on July 19.

According to the conditions of the plea agreement, Benzeevi will not face jail time. He’ll be under house confinement with an ankle monitor for 120 days at his own expense and will pay $2.4m in restitution, of which $2m will go to the Tulare Local Healthcare District and $400,000 will go to the Southern Inyo Healthcare District, where Benzeevi and Healthcare Conglomerate Associates (HCCA) managed the Southern Inyo Hospital.

Benzeevi was also ordered to serve 420 hours of community service at any healthcare facility.

While the current plea agreement would have Benzeevi serve two years of probation in Los Angeles County after his sentencing, the district attorney’s office intends to ask for a year of jail time.

A statement from Tulare County District Attorney Tim Ward says his office has “requested a year in custody,” but that it will “respect the Judge’s decision at the time of sentencing just as we did with the previous sentencing of co-defendant Alan Germany.”

Benzeevi, through HCCA, managed Tulare Regional Medical Center and other Tulare district properties. During that period, Benzeevi defrauded the Tulare district and the Southern Inyo district through a series of deals designed to benefit him and his company.

Facing similar charges is Bruce Greene, an attorney who represented both HCCA and the Tulare district.

Through his attorney, Greene rejected a plea agreement from Ward’s office in September and maintains his innocence. The State Bar suspended an ongoing disciplinary hearing against Greene pending the outcome of the criminal case against him.


42 counts will be dismissed

The Southern Inyo Hospital in Lone Pine, Calif. Tony Maldonado/Valley Voice

Benzeevi and co-defendants Germany and Greene were charged in August 2020; Germany previously pleaded “no contest” in October 2023. Originally, Benzeevi faced 46 felony and misdemeanor counts relating to embezzlement, fraud, conflicts of interest and violations of the Political Reform Act.

Friday’s plea deal saw Benzeevi decline to defend himself against eight of those charges. The remaining 42 charges will be dismissed at the time of sentencing on July 19.

The six felony counts represent various criminal conflicts of interest. Specifically, Benzeevi used Tulare’s money to fund a lawsuit against Dr. Abraham Betre, former head of the Tulare Regional Medical Executive Committee who claimed the committee had been wrongfully dismissed.

Benzeevi also created a line of credit for Inyo using Tulare’s funds, made loans directly to Inyo through a financing company he created, and issued promissory notes to Tulare secured by a deed on district property.

Additionally, Benzeevi failed to disclose campaign expenditures in a timely fashion – including funds used to pay Psy Group, a now-defunct private intelligence agency that attempted to influence the recall election of former Tulare board member Dr. Parmod Kumar – and used his official position for personal gain. Both are misdemeanor crimes.

If Benzeevi were convicted of all 46 original charges, he could have faced up to 44 years behind bars, though Sheltzer told Benzeevi that “there’s no way that any court is going to sentence you to 44 years in county jail,” under existing sentencing guidelines and Prop 47, which Tulare County Deputy District Attorney Trevor Holly agreed with.

The maximum Benzeevi could have served under the charges he pleaded no contest to today was five years and four months.

Judge Michael Sheltzer speaks during Dr. Yorai ‘Benny’ Benzeevi’s change of plea hearing on February 9, 2024. Tony Maldonado/Valley Voice

Sheltzer said that the court was concerned both with punishment, which he believed the felonies served, and restitution.

“Without this type of sentence getting the $2.4m in full would be extremely difficult,” he said.

The restitution amount – $2.4 million – matches the amount of funds that ended up in Benzeevi’s bank accounts after he executed a sale and leaseback of Tulare Regional’s equipment to Celtic Leasing, according to past court filings. Officials with the District Attorney’s office did not confirm whether that restitution amount was intentional or simply coincidental.

Getting those funds to the two districts will be a lengthy process: Benzeevi’s funds were frozen in the United States and in Israel. Holly told the court that he would work with officials at the Department of Justice to craft an order that would unfreeze the funds so that they can be used towards restitution.

Kirk Davis, an Assistant Tulare County District Attorney, spoke to the media after the hearing.

He avoided commenting on the Greene case, including the possibility that Benzeevi could provide testimony against Greene, beyond stating that Greene was “still active in the case, and [that] the litigation is ongoing.”

Davis also declined to comment on any possibility the convictions could impact Benzeevi’s medical license, stating that the medical board was in charge of those decisions. Benzeevi had to report to the California Medical Board at the time he was charged with multiple felonies and must do so again now that he has pleaded no contest.

Nina Marino, Benzeevi’s attorney, did not return a request for comment by publication time. If one is received, this article will be updated.


District attorney’s statement and local reaction

Tulare County District Attorney’s Office spokesman Stuart Anderson and Tulare County Deputy District Attorney Kirk Davis speak to media at the Tulare County Superior Court after a change of plea hearing for Dr. Yorai ‘Benny’ Benzeevi. Catherine Doe/Valley Voice

The Tulare County District Attorney’s office touted the plea deal as a win for Tulare County and the Tulare Local Healthcare District in a press release.

“Healthcare is truly a basic quality of life issue and the rural health care system in California is fragile. I view the Tulare Regional Medical Center as a vulnerable victim, and I am pleased the hospital and the citizens of Tulare have persevered to arrive at this significant day,” the statement continues. “Moving forward our efforts and resources will be focused on the remaining defendant in a combined quest for justice for these victims.”

Officials with the Tulare hospital district welcomed the news of Benzeevi’s plea.

“The resolution of this case is long overdue,” Mike Jamaica, a district board member said in a statement.

Kevin Northcraft, the district board’s president, said that he “expressed gratitude to the DA and the citizens who supported the process for their unwavering pursuit of justice considering the crimes committed by Benzeevi.”

Citizens for Hospital Accountability, a group that initially formed eight years ago to oppose Benzeevi’s management of the hospital, also applauded the news.

“Eight years ago, a group of concerned citizens banded together to become one voice called Citizens for Hospital Accountability. We chose our title with care, to reflect that we were a grassroots organization comprised of citizens from all backgrounds within Tulare Local Healthcare District who understood the importance of our local hospital and its rich tradition within our community. We realized that action was necessary to restore accountability and trust. Over the course of the next three years, it became much more. We waged, at times, a heated and ferocious battle against those who wanted to extract every last dime from our healthcare system to satisfy their own power and their own greed at the expense of our young, our old, our sick, our vulnerable and our poor,” the statement reads.

“To our common purpose, today is a monumental day. Benny Benzeevi has finally acknowledged his wrongdoings and is pleading no contest to multiple felonies and making restitution. He is liable for the damage he has done to Tulare. On this day, it isn’t just a saying that justice shall prevail, it is reality. There can be no celebration that any of this happened at all, but there is a celebration to know we have all helped to put an end to it, against all odds,” a statement from the group reads.

“We again wish to thank Tulare County District Attorney Tim Ward, Assistant District Attorney David Alavezos, Supervising Deputy District Attorney and lead prosecutor Trevor Holly, Chief Investigator Lindy Gligorijevic, Assistant Chief Investigator Gregg White, former Tulare County investigator Rodney Klassen and all of the staff members who have worked tirelessly on this marathon of an investigation and to see it to completion. Your dedication is greatly appreciated and will not be forgotten. We will comment more specifically at the sentencing date, after we have digested the totality of today’s historic events.”


Winding road towards closure – literally and figuratively

Dr. Benny Benzeevi, CEO of Healthcare Conglomerate Associates, discusses the Tulare Regional Medical Center’s tower project during a July 2016 tour. Tony Maldonado/Valley Voice

HCCA came to Tulare in 2014 after prior management led the Tulare Local Healthcare District, which owns Tulare Regional, into financial losses and a tower construction project that remains unfinished today.

The district’s board searched for management partners, and multiple healthcare companies responded – including Adventist Health, which currently leases and operates Tulare Regional. The board instead settled on HCCA, though the consulting firm the board hired to advise it on the decision classified HCCA as an entirely unknown entity.

Initially, the partnership was touted as a rousing success, including audits which showed the hospital’s profitability and solvency had improved. A May 2016 guest column touted “24 consecutive months of profit,” “an annual return last year better than in the past twelve,” and a turnaround that was “recognized nationally.”

News of that success led HCCA to be tapped to take over the Southern Inyo Hospital in 2015 after Southern Inyo’s CEO and board resigned, and the hospital closed to the public. HCCA reopened it in March of 2016, and shepherded the Southern Inyo Healthcare District through a bankruptcy process.

Doctors in Tulare sounded the first alarms in 2016 after HCCA ousted the hospital’s existing Medical Executive Committee in what became a long-running court dispute that was only settled after HCCA ceased managing Tulare Regional.

Concerned community members began to band together and examine the HCCA-Tulare Regional deal more closely: Tulare’s contract with HCCA included provisions that moved all of Tulare’s employees over to HCCA and prohibited the district from hiring its own staff, required the district to pay an extra 30% “compensation premium” on top of an employee’s salary, and gave HCCA the ability to buy the hospital – after voter approval – with the option to defer that 30% premium towards a purchase.

Measure I proponents held signs and chanted outside a No on Measure I forum in 2016. Tony Maldonado/Valley Voice

The financial terms of the contract raised eyebrows: HCCA was granted a management fee of $2.7m per year, which rose yearly; on top of that, Tulare had to pay CFO Alan Germany’s salary, charged to the district from August 2014 to June 2017, which started at $39,000 monthly and rose to as high as $56,800 monthly.

At the Southern Inyo Hospital, less onerous terms and more independence were on the menu. The Inyo hospital board president at the time told a local media outlet that their contract was “different than the Tulare contract,” and that “there are no options to buy.”

The smaller hospital also paid a smaller management fee starting at $780,000 annually and got to keep a direct employer relationship with its employees.

Public distrust of the HCCA’s management was a key motivator in the failure of a 2016 bond initiative floated by the Tulare Local Healthcare District and HCCA to finish the hospital’s tower project.

The hospital’s operations and public image began to crumble after the loss: less than a month after the election, in September of 2016, HCCA acknowledged that some employees were laid off “in accordance with our planned and ongoing strategic realignment of the hospital’s operations.”

Employees waited outside the Tulare Regional Medical Center’s Allied Building for their paychecks in 2017. Photo/Courtesy

Reporting would find that as far back as November 2015, HCCA had left Tulare’s vendors unpaid, including $827k owed to a pharmaceutical vendor later repaid with a controversial line of credit, and $44k owed to a consulting vendor that specifically pointed out the irony of the hospital’s publicly-touted turnaround while it privately pled penury to its vendors.

By September 2017, voters had elected two board members – Northcraft and Jamaica – opposed to HCCA’s management of the hospital, and recalled Kumar, one of HCCA’s supporters, selecting Senovia Gutierrez to take his place.

The trio voted to take the hospital into bankruptcy after HCCA claimed the district owed it millions of dollars, missed payroll multiple times, and after Benzeevi told the board that HCCA would not continue to use its own funds to bankroll Tulare Regional’s operations.

The hospital closed on October 29, 2017, after HCCA laid off its employees. Tulare did not have a hospital until Adventist Health moved in and started operations almost a year later, on October 15, 2018.

Kevin Northcraft, President of the Tulare Local Healthcare District Board of Directors, celebrates at the Tulare Regional Medical Center reopening on October 15, 2018. Dave Adalian/Valley Voice

To the east, in October 2017, Southern Inyo started the process to separate itself from HCCA, claiming in a court hearing that the company had mismanaged its finances and botched opportunities to earn easy revenue.

The first hints of an investigation into how Benzeevi, Germany and Greene conducted business at HCCA and Tulare Regional came in that same hearing, when Southern Inyo officials revealed the hospital was served with a search warrant by Tulare County investigators looking for evidence of transfers that had taken place between Tulare Regional and Southern Inyo.

The next month, a warrant was served at Tulare Regional – investigators were at the hospital for “well over 33 hours straight” collecting evidence, including emails, business records, and other data. The warrants spiraled into what Ward called “the largest investigation ever undertaken by the district attorney’s office” in 2018, including warrants served at Benzeevi’s home, the eventual freezing of Benzeevi’s bank accounts in the US and internationally, and the three criminal indictments.

The Voice will continue to cover the proceedings as Greene’s case continues in the Tulare County Superior Court and the California State Bar Court.

In Depth: Tulare Regional Medical Center

13 thoughts on “Former Tulare hospital CEO pleads no contest to felonies, misdemeanors, will pay $2.4m and likely avoid jail

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  1. 42 counts dismissed! No jail time?!?! Only 2 million to pay back? What a weak DA. This case cost more than 2 million to investigate and pay court expenses. This result shows that Tim Ward is the Alvin Bragg of California. Complete joke!

  2. DA Tim Ward’s cowardice was 100% predicted here. (See comments on previous articles.) The only reason he investigated and charged Benzeevi was because Matthew Darby was running against him in the 2018 election. Everyone knew DA Ward would run scared when he faced talented defense lawyers in this case and he already has with the other defendants. Ward has a new six year term, so he hopes we the community will forget how much he cost the County for a George Gascon (Los Angeles DA) type plea bargain for his former mentor with zero accountability for Benzeevi. DA Ward’s long record of charging crooked police officers and then dismissing multiple charges for no jail time will speak for itself during the next election along with this atrocity of a result. the citizens of Tulare, who deserve a competent DA who will stand up to crime and not run scared time after time. Case results have been compiled and record requests are going out. Recall movement brewing, and it starts in the City of Tulare.

  3. Shameful outcome. Just heartbreaking. No jail time. Benzeevis brother , Edo, could pay the $2million as chump change. Benzeevi did so much damage to the Tulare community. Ironically, his punishement includes MORE involvement in patient care. And Northcrafts take on the issue? “Kevin Northcraft, the district board’s president, said that he “expressed gratitude to the DA and the citizens who supported the process for their unwavering pursuit of justice considering the crimes committed by Benzeevi.” That is the guy who is the district president?! Just move on. Nothing to see here. On to the next project of squeezing more money out of the Tulare tax payers to complete the tower.

  4. Why can’t Tulare County elect a competent DA? Isn’t $260,000 pay & benefits enough to attract a decent candidate?

  5. I wonder if Tim Ward will refund the donations he received from Benzeevi now that he’s been convicted?

    • Not only him, but all the BOARD OF SUPERVISORS should return all contributions to their elections of the stolen funds from the guilty party. if current people running for office took took donations from this hospital and not from the crook they should refund the city of Tulare.The money belongs to the TULARE DISTRICT HOSPITAL

  6. This is just another example of crime pays if your wealthy. If he did something like Bernie Madoff did, then the victims could sue him in civil court but this settlement is a slap in the face to Tulare residents.

  7. Im not an attorney but I have to wonder if there is not some way we can appeal this plea deal. Afterall, Hunter Biden also thought he avoided any real punishment but his plea deal was voided by a higher court. Any attorneys out there? Any suggestions?

  8. For those of you who are demanding Ward’s head, let’s not forget who the real culprits are; Benzeevi and his pack of thieves. I support the plea agreement for several reasons. First, many of the white collar criminals don’t face lengthy jail sentences, if any. Secondly, our DA has spent thousands of man hours putting together a very complex case, which is taxpayer money. Money which could be used to prosecute additional crimes. Also, there is no guarantee of the outcome. The last thing I would want to see is Benzeevi walk out of the courtroom after an acquittal. Let’s not forget that he did most of his theft under a Board of Directors, who gave him a blank check to perform his wizardry on the District’s financial worth. 2.4 million is not small change. And 420 community hours is something an egomaniac would not enjoy performing. The current Board is right, there comes a time when it is best to collect your chips and move past. Let’s remember who the bad guys are learn for this so that when the next pied piper comes to town we reject their promises.

  9. Tim Ward DISMISSED 32 charges!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Nope. Looks more like Tim Ward orchestrated this whole case. Launched the very public investigation to fend off an election opponent in 2018. Filed 40 felony charges to keep himself in office, and then dumped the case dismissing over 30 felony charges for his former pal. Anyone who thinks otherwise need only look at past Valley Voice articles where it reports Ward and Benzeevi were friends with Ward even sending Benzeevi a “welcome to the team” email. Truthbetold, you are no doubt an employee of Ward’s. Look at his history of plea bargaining away cases against officers who worked for police associations he seeks endorsements from. Benzeevi needed to go to jail. Period.

  10. Bottom line this was a sham prosecution. At the end of the day DA Ward is as corrupt as Fani Willis. This was a disgrace in so many ways. An ethical disaster! Wards office is beyond tainted.

  11. Not one argument or comment addressing the legal aspects of the case. Just bozo comments like “Benzeevi and pack of thieves,” and “If he did something like Bernie Madoff did..” Well, he didn’t. Yet that doesn’t stop local yokles from their hate speech.
    Plea deal let Tm Ward off the hook from a discriminatory and weak case. Benzeevi had HCCA pay him as per contract, he was just sloppy about bank accounts, yet Ward and quiet local good ol boys hated Benzeevi so went after him and ONLY TWO others and yet no Board members?… Very weak discriminatory case from the outset, yet oppressive and unheard of to defend (ridiculous) at 40 felony counts. Yet locals jump on the hate bandwagon as if legitimately accussed.

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