The Darling Hotel faces wrongful death suit after guest dies of overdose

The family of a man who died of an overdose at The Darling Hotel in Visalia have claimed in a recent lawsuit that hotel workers could have saved his life, but failed to, after allegedly finding him unconscious and failing to contact medical services after a welfare check.

The legal machinations of the suit have also drawn in the Downtown Visalians organization and On-Site Security, a security firm that Downtown Visalians contracts out security services in the downtown area to.

The man, Woodlake resident Jeremy Baker, died at the hotel on July 27, 2021 at the age of 36. His family retained the Law Offices of Melo and Sarsfield and filed a wrongful death case on July 26, 2023, on behalf of Baker’s four minor children and his mother, Florinda Taylor.

Baker’s children and mother are suing for loss of future earnings, funeral and hospital expenses, and the pain and suffering of losing a father and son.

The suit claims that the hotel failed to call for an ambulance for Baker “despite his obvious medical distress, and as a foreseeable result, he died for lack of medical intervention.”

According to the suit, “The Darling Hotel has a duty of care to its guests, to include providing reasonable assistance to them in medical emergencies.”

Both sides agree that Baker was a guest at the hotel on July 26, but stories differ on the welfare check and the events afterward.

Page 3 of 2023-07-26 FIrst Amended Complaint for Damages

Contributed to DocumentCloud by Tony Maldonado (Valley Voice Newspaper) • View document or read text

The family’s lawsuit states that workers with The Darling Hotel, accompanied by an On-Site Security officer, conducted a welfare check on July 27 at approximately 2pm after he had stayed in his room past 12pm.

“Management contacted a downtown security officer (an employee of a local security business that provided security services to various downtown businesses such as The Darling Hotel) to check on the welfare and status of Mr. Baker, as well as to ascertain why he had not checked out of the hotel,” the family’s suit reads.

When the security officer arrived, two Darling Hotel employees accompanied the security officer to Baker’s room according to the suit. After knocking on the door with no answer, they all entered Baker’s room to find him unresponsive on his bed in the hotel room.

According to the suit, the three tried to awaken him without success by talking to Baker and physically shaking him before they “decided there was nothing to be done, closed his door, and left him in his room, unattended.”

The family’s suit claims that leaving him unattended, without medical assistance and in a locked room, would lead to his death later in the day; the suit additionally claims timely medical intervention could have prevented the overdose death if an ambulance had been called when Baker was found unresponsive at 2pm.

“Medical intervention would have saved his life,” said the suit.


The Darling Hotel’s response

The Morrison Law Group, attorneys for The Darling Hotel, filed an answer to the family’s lawsuit on August 22, and additionally filed a cross-complaint against Downtown Visalians and On-Site Security.

According to Bob Ainley, part owner of the hotel, the hotel’s insurance company has taken the lead on litigating the case. Out of respect for the family, Ainley declined to comment on the case.

In the hotel’s answer to the lawsuit, the company states that Baker knew the risks of taking drugs, and that Baker was negligent in doing so.

The cross-complaint against Downtown Visalians and On-Site Security provides the hotel’s side of the story.

Page 3 of 2023-08-22 Cross-Complaint by the Darling Group

Contributed to DocumentCloud by Tony Maldonado (Valley Voice Newspaper) • View document or read text

The Darling’s cross complaint against the security company states, “Checkout was to be on Tuesday, July 27, 2021 at 11:00 a.m. When BAKER did not check out, a house staff employee went into Room 208, saw BAKER sleeping, and left.”

The cross-complaint claims that two employees and a security officer entered Baker’s room “between 12:15 p.m. and 12:45 p.m.” and “gently shook” Baker awake – and that the officer searched the room for drugs but found none. After Baker awoke, the hotel claims that he was booked for another night.

Later that evening, at approximately 5pm, one of the employees that had previously entered his room asked the front desk if they had seen Baker. According to the cross-complaint, the security company was “not willing to come to the hotel again,” leading employees to knock on the door without answer.

The officer that arrived “was not willing to go inside,” and employees later knocked on the door of the room at 9:15pm with no response.

Employees would later come back to the room 30 minutes later, at 9:45pm, to discover Baker was dead – a fact both sides agree on.

“In the space of a number of hours, the HOTEL staff checked on BAKER at least four times, called DOWNTOWN SECURITY and the police and had them go to Room 208. The HOTEL met any applicable standard of care and BAKER assumed the risks of drug taking and waived any claim against the HOTEL,” the cross-complaint reads.

John Sarsfield, of the Law Offices of Melo and Sarsfield, said that the security company has 30 days to respond, though the company could petition the court for an extension.

Sarsfield said that the case was still in the preliminary stages and that he had no comment.

9 thoughts on “The Darling Hotel faces wrongful death suit after guest dies of overdose

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  1. Quote: “In the hotel’s answer to the lawsuit, the company states that Baker knew the risks of taking drugs, and that Baker was negligent in doing so”

    One could reasonably say that the hotel knew the risks in “operating a hotel and assumed responsibilities” when doing so. Don’t know what the background of management is at this establishment nor the level of proper training that staff received and protocols that were put in place, but they clearly need to up their A-game. Visalia should be concerned with the “not my problem” impression of Downtown Security. Who is going to feel secure with that company at the helm of security if they refused to return to the hotel when requested or for that matter refusing to enter a room with staff?

  2. Considering the Security Staff are paid minimum wage $15.50 per hour still After Duane Rodriguez (owner of Security Firm & Rookies, along w/ being President of the Downtown Visalians Executive Board) increased his city contract about $30,000 you would think that the employees would be better paid and trained. Considering he open penned an instagram post called a resident of our community w/ autism mentally ill. Went into great detail about all of his donated tax write offs While NEGLECTING the Security Firm Employees! They work 40 hrs a week at minimum wage and rely on Overtime to feed their family and pay their bills. Don’t forget about the Tax Dollars the City gives the Downtown Visalians to Keep Our Downtown Safe. An Audit from a third party agency needs to look at the organization of Downtown Visalians. This is Blatant Negligence on all parties.

  3. Oh gosh, look, it’s April and her pathetic pack of followers back at it again. Ladies, GET A LIFE or at least a hobby, sheesh! Your inaccurate comments are pathetic at this point and quite honestly, laughable. Maybe if you focused on the Farmers market more instead of this man and Steve Nelson you’d actually be profitable and not looked at as a joke. Also, those noises in your shop, yeah, they’re rats. That whole building is infested and I wouldn’t spend a dime on your rat urine filled products. I guess someone will have to get sick for you to take it seriously. I wonder if the health inspector would be interested in that…

  4. I’ve worked there for 2 years. There are so many illegal things they’re doing… I wouldn’t be suprised if there is a class action lawsuit after this case is over. This estabilshment and pay is a joke.

  5. So why haven’t you reported those “illegal things” to the appropriate authorities? Sadly, the deceased was, in fact, an adult and therefore responsible for his own actions.

    On that basis alone, I can see no reason for this case aside from money grubbing.

    • You are a heartless person “just me”.. of course we are all responsible for our own actions, but we are also human. To leave someone that is unresponsive to being woke up (having no info about medical histiry) and leaving them instead of notifying the proper authorities IS negligence on there part. If you read the article again maybe you’ll have a different opinion..

  6. “Money grubbing”, I’m sure that’s easy for you to say since it wasn’t you who lost a loved one. no amount of money in the world could replace him. Nobody is perfect, and yes he was responsible for his own actions but he was still alive they could’ve saved him instead they went and made sure to charge him for another day.

  7. Alls I’m saying i… What if Jeremy was in a diabetic coma?? Same characteristics. These people had no idea if he had a medical condition and I for one know when it’s check out time the guests have to go, they don’t just close the door and leave one to sleep. That’s BS!! And yes we are all responsible for our actions but we are also human and should be treated as so! This is so wrong on so many levels!!!

  8. This is an unbelievable mind blowing tragedy that could have been avoided. and in my eyes a thin line between murder or overdose! In which both sides were accountable for their actions .
    So the scenario of a hotel maid and a security officers decision to let a guest just sleep it off ….hum… Let’s see?.. SECURITY OFFICER::”opens the door and sees the guest on the bed
    HOTEL ATTENDANT: physically shakes them trying to wake up. the guest.

    Both step out and shut the door.
    At some point” but NOT before
    they shut the door” ,
    “Something to the affect of (the guest didn’t seem right do you think we should call 911?
    (Just let em sleep it off)

    I am a mother of a son who is the same age as Jeremy was and he too is loved….this situation is unacceptable ..
    # what can you do now ”
    # nothing will ever replace Ms.Taylor’s son.
    #actions speak louder than words
    #God grant me the serenity


    My most sincere sympathy to Florinda and her family , 🙏
    R .I .P .

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