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In response to the Excessive Heat Watch issued by the National Weather Service, the City of
Visalia Transit Center will open as a Cooling Center for the community’s use, beginning Friday,
June 30th through Monday, July 3rd

The hours are from 10:00am to 10:00pm.

The Transit Center, located at 425 E. Oak Ave., provides amenities such as ample seating, vending machines, and restrooms. Most bus routes lead to the Transit Center, providing convenient transportation. For transit route information please call 1-877-404-6473.

The Visalia Fire Department provides the following tips to help cope with the coming heat:

• Avoid prolonged exposure to the sun and, when possible, stay in the shade or
an air-conditioned room.
• Wear loose-fitting, light-colored clothes.
• Drink plenty of water or non-alcoholic fluids.
• Never leave children or pets in a vehicle, even for short periods of time. Temperatures inside vehicles can climb rapidly to life-threatening levels, even with the windows partially open.
• Periodically check on children and the elderly.
• Remember that animals are affected by the heat. Make sure pets and farm animals have plenty of water and access to shade.

For further information, contact the Visalia Fire Department at 559-713-4244.

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