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 Visalia’s Riggin Avenue Widening Project will enter Phase 2 on Thursday, June 15th. The new phase brings a transition to the freshly paved and striped northern half of the roadway, from west of Akers Street to east of Kayenta Street.

“The southern half of the roadway, where motorists drive currently in Phase 1, will be closed off for construction,” stated Katherine Woodhull-Fuget, Assistant Engineer. “Local access to the neighborhoods to the south of Riggin off Crenshaw, Linwood, Bollinger, and Kayenta Streets will be impacted with the transition to Phase 2.”

Crenshaw, Linwood, and Kayenta Streets will have intermittent daytime closures between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. and a longer one-week closure in late July/early August for roadway reconstruction. Additionally, Bollinger Street at Riggin Avenue will be closed for the duration of Phase 2.  Impacted residents will be notified directly prior to any overnight closures by the contractor to utilize alternative access points from Akers, Demaree, and south Linwood Streets during the closures.

“Motorists should expect additional delays on Thursday, June 15th as we work to transition traffic from the south half of the roadway to the north half, specifically the traffic signal and work zone itself,” added Woodhull-Fuget. “Riggin will remain open during the transition and throughout the duration of the project, but motorists are encouraged to use alternate routes if possible.”

Phase 2 will include reconstruction of the Modoc Ditch structure between Crenshaw and Linwood Streets, installation of new hydrants, reconstruction of the roadway between Akers and Linwood Streets, a new bus pad at Linwood Street and a new bus turnout at Kayenta Street, removal of the temporary median between Bollinger and Kayenta Streets, and reconstruction of the south side of Riggin Avenue at Kayenta Street.

Details on Phase 3, the final phase of the project, will be released no later than early August to provide the community an update on the construction progress and any traffic impacts they may experience.

Visalians are encouraged to follow @cityofvisalia on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter for regular updates regarding construction and news from both the City of Visalia and the Visalia City Council. Visalians can also visit for more information on City projects.

For more information on the Riggin Avenue Widening and Improvement Project, contact City of Visalia’s Katherine Woodhull-Fuget at 559-713-4447 at

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