College of the Sequoias Tulare campus is hosting a groundbreaking on Friday, February 24, 2024 at 10 a.m. for a new Applied Technology & Trades complex.
The groundbreaking will kick off the construction of the complex, which will be the home for a number of COS’s applied technology and skill trades programs including agricultural technology, automotive technology, construction technology, electrical training, environmental control technology (HVAC), industrial maintenance, and industrial automation programs.
The nearly 36,000 square foot complex will include three new buildings that adjoin the current Welding Technology building. It also will include a two-acre outdoor education area for outdoor teaching projects, student events and industry partner activities for all COS career technical education programs.
“What an exciting time to be starting a career as a skilled trades professional,” said Randy Emery, chair of the COS Industry & Technology Division that houses most of the career technical education programs moving into the complex. “This new complex shows the commitment by our community toward successful careers of the future,” he concluded.
Community support and funding through Measure J was the impetus for the Tulare Campus, which opened January 2013. The Applied Technology & Trades complex, with an anticipated opening date of August 2024, will complete the work funded by that measure.
“We are so very excited to see the completion of the Measure J project here at the Tulare campus,” said Marla Borges, Tulare resident and Chair of the Measure J Oversight Committee. “It is truly amazing what can be accomplished when communities come together to provide the best facilities and education to our local students,” she added.
COS Tulare welcomes the community to join the groundbreaking ceremony. Please R.S.V.P. at
The COS Tulare campus is located at 4999 E. Bardsley Ave., Tulare. It offers a full complement of general education courses as well as student support services including admissions, financial aid, counseling, library, tutorial services and student success. With the new complex, it will be the home to two COS instructional divisions: Agriculture and Industry & Technology. The Tulare campus sits on 493-acre parcel of land of which 320 acres is farmed and used by the agriculture programs in instruction.
For more information about the groundbreaking, contact (559) 688-3051 or