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Valley Voice

Downtown Visalia Kiwanis Donates Mural to Downtown Visalia to Commemorate its 100th Anniversary

Downtown Visalia Kiwanis, founded in1922, is commemorating its 100th anniversary by donating a mural to Downtown Visalia. The mural will be painted on the Senior Center exterior wall facing Locust Street at the corner of Oak Avenue. Muralist Stevi Daniels designed it to reflect Visalia's past and present.

The club will celebrate the anniversary on Tuesday, November 22nd at noon at 210 Cafe. Local historian Terry Ommen will be the guest speaker.

Kiwanis International was founded in 1915 in Detroit, Michigan. The name “Kiwanis” was coined from an American Indian expression which means, “We trade.” In 1920, the
motto of Kiwanis became “We Build”until 2005, when it changed to “Serving the children of the world.”

Downtown Visalia Kiwanis service projects include scholarships for Visalia high school
graduates; Terrific Kids awards at Linwood Elementary; Pursuing Victory With Honor sports awards, in collaboration with Tulare county office of education, recognizing sportsmanship and academic excellence; Cub Scouts Pack 343 sponsorship; Key Club at Redwood High School; Giant STEM games at STEAM Expo, BookFest, and other events; Relay for Life; and many more.

If you are interested in volunteering in your community, making friends, and opportunities for leadership, please contact a Kiwanis club near you.

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