Public invited to submit maps, attend Kaweah Health’s redistricting workshop series

Tulare County residents are invited to attend a series of meetings to offer input on redistricting and submit maps of what they would like Kaweah Delta Health Care District’s five geographic zones to look like for future board elections.

The District is currently analyzing its zones using the 2020 census data to redraw the district zone lines to reflect how the local population has changed. It will hold a series of public workshops to gather community input and review draft maps submitted by community members on the following dates and times:

  • Wednesday, Feb. 9: Map workshop #1 will take place at 5:30 p.m. at the Sequoia Regional Cancer Center – Maynard Faught Conference Room, 4945 W Cypress Ave., Visalia. Maps that were submitted by noon on Jan. 31 at noon for this meeting will be posted by Feb. 2 for public review.
  • Tuesday, March 8: Map workshop #2 will take place at the Sequoia Regional Cancer Center – Maynard Faught Conference Room, 4945 W Cypress Ave., Visalia. Maps submitted by noon on Friday, Feb. 25, for this meeting will be posted by March 1 for public review.

If necessary, a map workshop #3 will take place in April, and the public would be invited to this meeting. Community members are invited to print out a map of the District online at and use it to draw their proposed zones. All completed maps can be returned to the District by the deadlines listed above by dropping them off or mailing them to 400 W. Mineral King Ave., Visalia, CA 93291 or by email to All draft maps will be posted for public review seven days prior to each workshop meeting.

People can attend meetings either virtually or in person. In-person: People can attend the meetings at Sequoia Regional Cancer Center, 4945 W Cypress Ave., Visalia. Those in attendance will be required to wear a mask in compliance with the State mandate for healthcare facilities. American Sign Language (ASL) and Spanish interpreters will be available.

Virtual Attendance Options: People can either participate in the meeting live on Facebook @KaweahHealth or use GoTo meeting:—community—redraw-the-lin on their computers, tablets, or smartphones or via phone: 872-240-3212 Access Code 278-566-077

The redistricting process is due to population change between the 2010 and 2020 U.S. Census and the District has hired Redistricting Insights, a consultant out of Sacramento, to assist. The District’s goal is to involve the public as much as possible in drawing the new political boundaries and throughout the process, it will give people the opportunity to create their own maps. Current zone maps are available at

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