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Digital Mapping Tool Now Available for Redistricting

The City of Visalia’s City Council Decennial Redistricting process continues, and community members now have a new tool added to their mapping toolbox. The mapping web app Dave’s Redistricting, also known as DRA 2020, is now available to those looking to draw a redistricting map with a digital tool.

The link to Dave’s Redistricting is available now at Once on the digital mapping tool site, users will be asked to create an account and then can use the full suite of features available to draw new Council district lines.

When completed, users will publish the map on Dave’s Redistricting and then email with the name of map that they created.

In addition to the digital tool, the Public Participation Kit with Population Count, in both English and Spanish, and the Public Participation Kit with Population IDs and Excel spreadsheet, in both English and Spanish, remain available for those wishing to draw a map.

These tools are available online at, by calling City of Visalia Administration at (559) 713-4535, or by visiting City of Visalia Office of Administration, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., at 220 N. Santa Fe St. Community members can also draw their own map either manually or digitally, with their own tools, and submit those maps to the City of Visalia for inclusion in the process.

For those seeking assistance on the mapping tools, City of Visalia staff members will be available in-person during special Drop-In Map sessions prior to City Council meetings (dates and times below). Community members can also receive help by phone, by calling the City of Visalia GIS Division at (559) 713-435, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Completed maps can be submitted by emailing, mailing them or dropping them off at City of Visalia Administration, 220 N. Santa Fe St., Visalia, CA 93292. Office hours are Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Extended Timeline Now Finalized

With a digital mapping tool now available, and with the authorization of the Visalia City Council, the City Council Decennial Redistricting process revised timeline has been finalized.

The following timeline notes all opportunities for residents to participate in the Redistricting process:










Spanish language interpretation will be available at each of these meetings. Please call (559) 713-4900 (TTY) 48-hours in advance of the scheduled meeting time to request signing services.

For more information on the City of Visalia redistricting process, mapping tools, FAQs and more, visit

For questions, contact Allison Mackey, Communications Manager, at (559) 713-4535 or

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