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Winter Wonderland in Downtown Hanford

Winter Wonderland is coming to downtown Hanford this holiday season. Experience the magic with a 50 foot by 70 foot, real ice rink in the middle of Civic Park, surrounded by beautiful historic buildings. The preparation of the ice rink has already begun and we will begin seeing the installation begin on Monday, November 8th. Winter Wonderland opens on November 20th and will be open seven days a week until January 9th.  Online ticketing began on November 1st at You can go online today and begin reserving your time on the ice. Reservations begin at $15 per session and sessions are an hour and a half long. Please note, there are group rates that start with groups of three and go up.

Winter Wonderland is not just an ice skating rink in beautiful Civic Park.  There will also be food vendors, hot drinks, train rides, face-painting and festive photo opportunities.  There will be additional food vendors Thursday through Saturday as well as live music and a beer and wine garden.  Every Saturday you can enjoy a free horse drawn wagon ride throughout downtown Hanford.  On Fridays in December, bring your children to meet Santa and get their photo taken.  Santa will be at Winter Wonderland on December 4th, 11th, and 18th from 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm.

If you have never been ice-skating and do not know how, don’t worry! Winter Wonderland is offering ice skate lessons every Sunday for ages 4 and up. Lessons are $20 per student for 30 minutes.  You can register at, or call 559-585-2525.  There will also be skate aids available to assist you on the ice.

There will be many fun activities going on throughout the week including Turkey Bowling on 11/23 and Broom Ball every Tuesday.  Visit Winter Wonderland on Wednesday, November 24th for Welcome Home Wednesday.  For all those families visiting for the holidays, there will be a special party with live music by 4 Higher. You can enjoy special food vendors including Fatte Albert’s Pizza Co and Tacos San Marcos, and a full bar featuring Michelob Ultra and cocktails by Quesadilla Gorilla.

While you are visiting downtown Hanford, make sure to walk around town and visit the unique retail shops and restaurants.  Downtown Hanford businesses will be having a Christmas Tree Walk from November 16th through December 7th.  The Christmas Tree Walk is a chance for you to win a 7 foot, decorated Christmas Tree and gifts from participating downtown businesses.  Guests will purchase opportunity tickets from Main Street Hanford and participating businesses. You can walk around downtown and drop your tickets at the Christmas Trees that you would like to win. There will be maps of participating businesses located throughout downtown, including at Winter Wonderland.

Winter Wonderland is available for private rental during non-operating hours. You can also rent the North Pole Lounge for private gatherings. The North Pole Lounge is located in front of the historic Bastille and next to the Winter Wonderland ice rink. The lounge features a private outdoor experience with fire pits, outdoor heaters, and great ambiance.  The lounge is available for $250 for four hours. For reservations, call 559-537-7995.

Experience the magic this holiday season in Civic Park in downtown Hanford at Winter Wonderland. Winter Wonderland hours will be; Monday through Friday 4pm-10pm, Saturday Noon-10pm, and Sunday Noon-8pm. For more information visit or call 559-585-2525. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram.

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