A press release from Tulare County

The Tulare County Board of Supervisors and Tulare County Parks & Recreation is holding the Investing in Parks – Revitalizing Communities kick-off event at 10:00 a.m. on Thursday, October 7, 2021, at Mooney’s Grove Park, Arbor #1, located near the lily pond at 27000 S. Mooney Grove Blvd. in Visalia.
On August 24, 2021, the Tulare County Board of Supervisors approved the allocation of more than $8 million of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding to make improvements to Tulare County Parks. Coupled with funding from grants and other sources, this marks one of the largest investments in Tulare County Parks history.
“I have always believed that our Tulare County Parks are integral to our community, to building a happier and healthier place to live,” said Amy Shuklian, Chair of the Tulare County Board of Supervisors. “The improvements that will be made to many of our county parks through the funds we received through the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) are an incredible win for our communities.”

The parks at Alpaugh, Balch, Bartlett, Goshen, Cutler, Kings River, Ledbetter, Mooney Grove, Pixley, and Woodville are to receive improvements such as updating irrigation and improving water distribution, replacing and repairing arbors, installation of new picnic tables and BBQ’s, community art projects, and other additional amenities.
According to General Services Agency Director Brooke Sisk, “This investment will allow the county to make major improvements in nearly every County Park. Projects will address safety issues, include major infrastructure upgrades and cosmetic repairs, and enhance the recreational opportunities available to local residents and families”
For more information about county parks, please visit https://tularecountyparks.org/.
Just all more B.S. Just county ‘s way of stealing more money from Mooney Grove Park and ALL COUNTY PARKS .Untill parks are taken away from County and Park Manager and along with Genersl services are rid of nothing will change….This is all nothing new…Same old tricks….
So what about all the fees they charge to enter? The fees to reserve Pavilions? Where does that money go to? Since I was a kid in the 90s I always remember how run down Cutler Park has been and even Mooney Grove Park. Who maintains the parks? I was just there recently and it was sad seeing the area where End of the Trail Statue is located looking like it hasn’t been kept up.