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Next Steps on City Council Vacancy

A press release from the City of Visalia
With the passing of Vice Mayor Phil Cox, the Visalia City Council has an open seat and must determine how to fill the remainder of Mr. Cox’s 4-year term.
“The City Council has 60 days to determine the course of action,” shares Randy Groom, Visalia City Manager. “One path involves calling for a special election, the second path would be to appoint a citizen of District 1 to the position.”
City staff is researching the details involved in a special election, from determining timelines and costs associated with the process to speaking directly with Tulare County elections on the parameters of such an action.
Should the City Council choose to appoint someone, that citizen must reside in District 1. (District 1 comprises the center of Visalia between Mooney Blvd and Akers.)The successor would not serve the balance of the term left by Vice Mayor Cox’s passing, but rather serve until the next regular municipal election in November of 2022, at which time someone would be elected for the final two years of the term.
“At this time, it would be premature to project out any farther,” adds Groom. “Once the Council has determined how they will move forward that information will be shared with the public.”
As the legislative body of the City, the Council has overall responsibility for the scope, direction, and financing of City services. The Council members represent the City and their respective Districts, while establishing policy that is administered and implemented through full time staff under the Council-Manager form of government.
For more details on the Visalia City Council, and to see the interactive map noting the City’s districts, click here.

For questions, contact City of Visalia Administration at (559) 713-4300.
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